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连螳螂都有那对武器。Even Mantis got those thingies.

你可能见过螳螂拳。You've only seen Praying Mantis.

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一只螳螂正在伸开它的翅膀。A praying mantis spreads its wings.

螳螂对农民是益虫还是害虫?Is a mantis good or bad for farmers?

娇虎,灵蛇,仙鹤,猿猴,螳螂。Tigress, Viper, Crane, Monkey, Mantis.

螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后。Mantis catching cicadas , in the post-oriole.

豌豆皮和毛豆做的螳螂。Preying mantis made using pea pods and edamame.

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螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后。A mantis catches a cicada, a yellowbird behinds.

这时,只见螳螂一个挥马刀,把蜻蜓抓住了。At this time, saw a mantis sword play, to seize a dragonfly.

雌螳螂在雄螳螂交尾后,经常吃掉对方。The female praying mantis often eats the male aftertheymate.

雌螳螂在与雄螳螂交尾后,经常吃掉对方。The female praying mantis often eats the male after they mate.

长时间被迫的静候,使得螳螂出了神,进入到一个非凡的境界。Forced to wait, Mantis entered a trance-like, totally awesome state of mind.

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公螳螂脑袋连着身体时无法交尾。The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body.

“螳螂捕蝉”比作只见眼前利益而不顾身后大患的目光短浅的人物。The mantis is likened to people who only see immediate 4 gains without caution.

不同品种的虾蛄,喜欢用不同的武器,从棒子到长矛都有。Different species of mantis shrimp prefer different weapons, from clubs to spears.

夸里奇与这个蝎尾怪兽扭打着,不让它螳螂般的前肢夹住他。He grapples with the manticore, keeping its mantis forelimbs from locking onto him.

跳闸是用在螳螂拳功夫风格来捕捉对手猝不及防。Tripping is used in the Praying Mantis Kung Fu style to catch an opponent off guard.

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这只螳螂太专注在它的猎物上,它疏忽了有一只鸟在其身后,正虎视眈眈地注视着它。The mantis focused too much on its prey and neglected a bird behind staring covetously at it.

每个手臂上装备了重型激光自动炮,螳螂可以制造一片让人印象深刻的火力网。Sporting a Heavy Laser Autogun in each arm, the Mantis can lay down an impressive field of fire.

螳螂起重机的立场是一个单脚站立平衡训练和阻止使用。The Praying Mantis Crane Stance is a one legged stance used for training in balance and blocking.