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它是另一种抽象的柏拉图式的型相It's another abstract Platonic form.

这是柏拉图式对数学的理解That's the Platonic take on mathematics.

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也就是说谈话中不带柏拉图式的城邦论点。In other words, no Platonic cities in speech.

“Bromance”指的是亲密的柏拉图式的友情。"Bromance" means a close platonic friendship.

是灵魂在思考柏拉图式的型相It's the soul that thinks about the Platonic forms.

纯精神的艺术势利者只是对艺术“感兴趣”Platonic art-snobs merely "take an interest" in art.

这有点像柏拉图式的异性友谊。This is somewhat like platonic cross-sex friendships.

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他说,这些东西让我们回想到了柏拉图型相He says, "These things remind us of the Platonic forms."

我们无法对柏拉图式的型相有深入了解And so we don't have a very good grasp of the Platonic forms.

要建立一种真正柏拉图式的关系需要意识和努力。It takes hard work and awareness to forge a true platonic bond.

这里我们似乎达到了真正的共相,或者柏拉图的理念。Here we may seem to have arrived at a true universal or Platonic idea.

柏拉图指出,我们都知道柏拉图型相Now, Plato points out that we all know things about the Platonic forms.

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但是我们还知道,现实世界中没有柏拉图型相But the Platonic forms, as we also know, are not to be found in this world.

以上这些,被当今的哲学家称作柏拉图式的型相All of these things are, as philosophers nowadays call them, Platonic forms.

网站创始人罗森堡说这项服务是完全柏拉图式的。Scott Rosenbaum who founded the service said his website is strictly platonic.

但不像各位,亚里士多德在柏拉图的学院,并不只待四年。Unlike most of you, Aristotle did not spend four years at the Platonic Academy.

其写作日期已无可考,可能是柏拉图对话录的伪作。The date of its writing is uncertain, and it may be a spurious Platonic dialogue.

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雏菊在日本象征着“友好的情谊,或者柏拉图式的理想关系”。In Japan, daisies are believed to symbolize an "amicable or platonic relationship."

当我成立柏拉图交友网时,出入本地酒吧的男人们非常鄙视我的行为。When I set up Platonic Partners some men in the local pub were really nasty about it.

正因为如此,Mazur将柏拉图的观点置于“一个成熟的有神论的位置上。”Because of this, Mazur describes the Platonic view as “a full-fledged theistic position.”