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申根签证的授权产品。Shengen visa authorize product.

不要将其授权给任何传输队列。Do not authorize it to any transmit queues.

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我授权你们,向他们放一排狠毒的排枪。I authorize you to hit 'em a tremendous whack.

授权董事会厘定董事袍金。To authorize the directors to fix directors' fees.

参议会曾经授意建造复制军队队吗?。Did the council ever authorize the creation of a clone army?

一旦获奖,获奖者需要向MIUI进行版权授权。If awarded, the winners need to authorize the copyright to MIUI.

期望立法能批准基于价值的土地税。Expectation that legislation will authorize value-based land tax.

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该框架可能是您的老板惟一认可的框架。The framework may have been the only one your bosses would authorize.

我们依赖国会授权联邦航空局恢复我们的工作。We rely on Congress to authorize the FAA to do our job, " Henn said."

但是这项决议特别指明不授权任何地面因素。But this resolution specifically does not authorize any groundelements.

战争权力决议案没有同意允许任何一天的利比亚轰炸行动。The War Powers Resolution doesn't authorize a single day of Libyan bombing.

授权法警逮捕藐视法庭人的命令。Warrant which authorize the bailiff to arrest a person in contempt of court.

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收到客户的确认函后,我将批准这次交易。I will authorize the transaction after I receive confirmation from my client.

“微软不会授权或者许可技术在这种途径应用,”它说明道。"Microsoft did not authorize or license its technology for this use," it said.

由于您是域名的合法注册人,只有您可授权此域名的转让。As the legal registrant of this domain name, only you can authorize such transfer.

或许这只是一个公关问题,例如,你到底有没有授权这本传记?Or maybe this is just a P. R. problem ?like did you authorize this biography or what?

我们委托孩子就读学校选派的领队老师作为孩子在境外期间的监护人。We authorize chaperon teachers from our child's school as guardian during this travel.

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我们授权下流行径,就不可能不危害到我们以公正社会为形式的生存。And we cannot authorize indecency without jeopardizing our survival as a decent society.

招标人也可以授权评标委员会直接确定中标人。It may also authorize the bid evaluation committee to decide on the bid winner directly.

NET团队能够为基于操作的用户授权引入更为灵活的方式。NET team will introduce more flexible ways to authorize the users based on their actions.