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介绍了金凤水电站调压塔式前池的结构型式。This paper gives a presentation of the surge tower type forebay design of Jinfeng Hydroelectric Power Station.

虽然易趣正式否认了直插式,分析师认为,卖方罢工作为一个先声,为艰苦的时候来易趣。Though eBay officially denies the dip, analysts see the seller strike as a harbinger for tough times to come foreBay.

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为消除取水前池的水流在扩散过程中产生的回流、旋涡,提出了在前池中设置多组底坎的措施。The paper brings up the Combined-sills are made in the forebay to eliminate the circulation and vortex of the diffusing flow.

为获得较好的流态,泵站前池中常设有整流底坎、导流墩、隔墩,泵站前池内的水流泥沙运动是一种复杂的三维运动。Monte Carlo Method is a good approach for three-dimensional numerical computation of the sediments in pumping station forebay.

目前,国内外对水利工程中无压流到有压流过渡段水流的研究主要集中在泵站前池的流场问题。Present research on transition section from non-pressure flow to pressure flow focuses on the water of Pumping Station forebay.

试验研究表明,改进后的前池水流流态明显改善,水泵运行效率得到提高,并有效减少了前池的泥沙淤积。The test shows the flow in the modified forebay is remarkably improved, the efficiency of the pump raised and the sludge deposit reduced.

在各种改善水流措施中加设导流墩和潜墩效果显著,可以使前池因测向进水引起的不良流态得到改善。Of the various schemes studied, the best one is to install the diversion piers, which can help to improve the flow pattern induced by the side-inflow in the forebay.

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同时计算亦表明,对于闸站合建枢纽此类侧向进水流动,底坎、底坡整流效果不大。The results of the simulation also show that it is not suitable to install bottom sill or bottom slope in the project which have side-inflow forebay for improving the flow pattern.

对已建工程前池容积特性的统计分析发现,现有的压力前池功用微弱、相对投资较大,在技术和经济上很不合理。The statistical analysis of characteristic of the completed project forebay shows that its function is weak and its investment is large, which is unreasonable in technology and economy.

在前池中设置底坎是一种常用的整流措施,过坎水流充分调整的长度与坎后漩长有关。It's common to set a bottom sill in the forebay to improve flow patterm, and the length of the flow, that can be adjusted adequately , is related to the length of the vortex behind the sill.

而我来这里的目的,也就是阿里巴巴的下一步战略,是帮助美国的小企业走进中国,帮助他们将产品卖到中国。Well I would say we show great respect foreBay and Amazon. But I think the opportunity and the, the strategy for us is helping small business in America go to China, sell their products to China.