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但西方的卷入或者说默许在这些事件中也鲜有缺席。But Western involvement or connivance in these was also rarely absent.

我们的问题是,行贿受贿成为社会默认的潜规则。Our problem is, bribery has become a hidden regulation of society connivance.

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后来,有人拿此信作为英国任由卡廷惨案被遮掩的证据。Some have since taken this missive as proof of Britain's connivance in concealing the horrors of Katyn.

纵容食量每天少吃点东西,每顿饭最好只吃个半饱,千万不好吃多了,就是味口好,也不另外。Connivance eat eat something every day, eating the best meal and a half full, do not eat much, that appetite is good, not another.

玛丽为了贞洁问题受到非难,离开城市,她的朋友明知其事,都装作不知。Marie, with the connivance of her friends, had absented herself from the city for reasons involving a charge against her chastity.

那一刻我突然感到,有一个自己喜欢的男人可以陪在自己身边,纵容着自己的任性撒野,该是多么幸福的一件事啊?That moment I suddenly felt like a man can go around in their own connivance of their willful act wildly , how happy the thing ah?

负责的尉级军官,也被撤职查办,以惩罚他“纵容”这次偷窃,不过他聪明地逃匿了。The lieutenant in charge was cashiered in order to be put upon trial for his "connivance" in the theft, but he judiciously disappeared.

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从侵权行为方式的变化和补偿性赔偿的局限方面,进一步论证建立惩罚性赔偿制度的必要性。It will be a connivance to the infringements and do harm to the justice if we continue to apply the expiation-oriented compensation system.

从二十世纪初至四十年代末,“东突”势力在外国敌对势力的怂恿、支持下,多次制造动乱。From the early 20th century to the late 1940s, the "East Turkistan" forces created many disturbances with the connivance and support of hostile foreign forces.

一些企业和当地政府合谋造成的污染最近引起了一些非政府组织的注意,最终制止了他们的非法行为。The rampant pollution caused by some enterprises, in connivance with the local authorities, recently drew some NGOs that finally ended their illegal activities.

虽然这三个国家矢口否认,但在一些人眼中,美国的盟友在掩盖和纵容绑架和对犯人的人身折磨。All three strongly deny this, but in at least some voters' eyes, the American alliance is now tainted with connivance in kidnap and torture, followed by cover-ups.

看着舒新和韩珊的默契配合,田野不快,又无法埋怨,打算设局提示韩珊认清本人,不要打舒新的主见。Looking at the new and HanShan Schwartz connivance unpleasant, but cannot blame field, going to HanShan recognize himself. simple hint, don't hit comfortable new ideas.

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穆斯林兄弟会则放言称,阿拉伯人民和穆斯林应该站起来,反对多数阿拉伯和伊斯兰政府“可鄙的沉默和纵容”。In its turn, the Brotherhood says Arabs and Muslims should rise up against "the despicable silence and connivance on the part of most Arab and Islamic regimes and governments."

莱夫,来自杜克大学法学院法学博士说,由于“纵容”国家机关之间和美国律师协会“法律学校费用远远超过需要的地方。Leef, a Juris Doctor from Duke University School of Law, says that because of the "connivance" between state bodies and the American Bar Association, "law school costs much more than it needs to.