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夺取了政权。Wrested power from the monarchy.

君主所在即为国家所在The monarchy was wherever the king was.

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最后,荷兰沦为君主专制国家They eventually end up with a monarchy.

现代的君主政体是不合时宜的事物。Contemporary monarchy is an anachronism.

人民反对君主专制。The people were against autocratic monarchy.

政府的标准结构是君主制政体Standard form of government has been monarchy.

战国早期曾国君主的墓室。Zeng early Warring States tomb of the monarchy.

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他们反对君主制和王军。They are against the monarchy and the royal army.

那时对于君主制会有变化的态度。Then there are the evolving attitudes to monarchy.

那表现出了君主统治远隔性的悲哀部分。That’s a sad part of the remoteness of the monarchy.

因为那时法国是个专制的君主政体。For all that time France had been an absolute monarchy.

1660年,查尔斯二世复辟,英国恢复了君主制。In 1660 the monarchy was restored under King Charles II.

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对杨度的君主立宪思想进行总体评价。Overall evaluate Yang Du's constitutional monarchy idea.

君主制和海军一直是我们的骄傲。The British have a proud tradition of monarchy and navy.

1907年,在英国的影响下,不丹成立君主制政体。Under the British influence, a monarchy was set up in 1907.

霍布士论断,因为所有这些理由,君主制最完善。For all these reasons, Hobbes concludes, a monarchy is best.

那么,善意的祖母是否能使米娅顺利成为君主呢?。Can her well-meaning grandma put her on the road to monarchy?

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大仲马信守共和政见,反对君主专政。Dumas kept the Republican political views, against the monarchy.

我在约旦哈希姆君主制觉得有很多良好的意愿。I think in Jordan the Hashemite monarchy has a lot of good will.

这个君主立宪制国家的部分问题现在比以往更加明朗化了。The monarchy is now, more clearly than ever, part of the problem.