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暗洒线抛却为谁?。For whom weep inwardly?

我们暗地替他高兴。We inwardly rejoiced for him.

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无泪的悲伤是内心在泣血。Tearless grief bleeds inwardly.

他对那些讽刺深感愤慨。He fired inwardly at these sarcasms.

我心中私语,表面却显得沉默异常。I seem stark mute but inwardly do prate.

那火灼般的剧痛让她内心非常痛苦。The burning heat that racked her inwardly.

可是我觉得我现在是“外强中干”。But I am "outwardly strong and inwardly weak".

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你最好默默躲在那个旮旯里,为我祝福。You'd better inwardly wish him well curling in a corner.

因此我们变得越来越外在化并且内心空虚。Thus we become more and more externalized and inwardly empty.

那是人的声音,但是内在的,我倾听的正是内心深处的声音。It is human, but inward , and it is inwardly that I listen to it.

早餐之后我离开家的时候,我的里里外外都在颤抖。As I left home after breakfast, I shivered inwardly as well as outwardly.

外面披著羊皮,里面却是残暴的狼。They come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

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但在我的内心深处变得越来越烦躁起来,一直到我的全身开始颤抖起来。But I became more and more inwardly restless, until my whole body began to shiver.

他们一切都是老样子,习以为常、平平静静。”娜塔莎心中说。Everything goes on in its old, regular, easy way with them, " Natasha was saying inwardly."

小心提防虚假的先知,他们穿着羊皮来找你,但内心里却是龇牙咧嘴的狼。Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravening wolves.

当我坐在那里时,我在心里不停想着的是,希望他能给我更多的时间。All this is going through my head as I'm sitting there inwardly urging him to give me more time.

易患疾病的提升者将必须来检查他们向内伤害与憎恨的思想形态。Initiates prone to disease will have to examine their inwardly harmful and hateful thought-form.

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成义使我们符合天主的正义,天主以祂仁慈的大能,使我们内在地成为义人。It conforms us to the righteousness of God, who makes us inwardly just by the power of his mercy.

我微笑着在心里诅咒,看来“马戏技艺”在这个星球上传播得比瘟疫还快。I smile and inwardly curse that "circus skills" have spread across this planet quicker than plague.

直到此刻,韦小宝才嘘了口气,放开匕首,大模大样的在床沿坐了下来。Inwardly sighing with relief, Trinket put away his dagger and seated himself imperiously on the bed.