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一燧石铺成的窄道在这短斜坡上蜿蜒上升。A narrow and flinty grand rue wound up a short incline.

今天,改革正开始触及坚硬的内核。Today, the innovation begin to touch the flinty kernel.

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首先,“软”是相对其它硬质材料而言的。First, "is soft" is the relative other flinty materials says.

伊斯特伍德先生一直以来的冷峻、冰冷最终消失了吗?Has Mr. Eastwood, famously flinty and cold-eyed, at long last gone squishy?

牢固而又坚硬的手从套装上衣口袋内摸索着,桑弗森拿出一张名片放沙发上。Hard flinty hands searched a suit coat pocket and Thorvaldsen laid a business card on the sofa.

历史文化名城保护正面临着严峻的挑战和前所未有的良好机遇。The protection of these historic cities is faced with the flinty challenge and good opportunity.

在法国的夏布利产区,霞多利是唯一一种被官方认可,而且标记为“清爽,坚硬”的葡萄酒。In the Chablis region of France, it is the only grape permitted and it renders a "crisp, flinty " wine.

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可以保证这些强硬的坎嗒布连人将证明他们仍然大力开展排队,并让参观者度过一个美好的时光。You can guarantee that those flinty Cantabrians will prove that they can still party hard and show visitors a good time.

难道当我们面对财富的时候只能在冰冷的责任和肆意的挥霍中二选一么?But is this really the choice we currently face—between dour, flinty responsibility or profligate favors for the fortunate?

伊朗的对西方政策大变脸,一改哈塔米时代的温和,处处体现出了强硬。Pair of Iranian Westpolitik are big suddenly turn hostile, one has changed Hatami times mildness , has embodied out everywhere flinty.

草地上的石头泛着白绿光,一阵冷风吹过草地,把火苗压得很低,就像黄色的绸带一般。The meadow stones glowed white-green and a flinty wind worked over the meadow, scraped the fire low, then ruffled it into yellow silk sashes.

随着中国加入WTO,我国外语教学面临着十分严峻的挑战,尤其是大学公共英语教学。Chinese foreign-language teaching is confronted with very flinty challenge, when China enters WTO, especially in the college common English teaching.

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宪法规定冷漠的财政部长沃尔夫冈•朔伊布勒必须消减联邦政府的结构性财政赤字,使其到2016年降低至0。Wolfgang Schäuble, the flinty finance minister, is under constitutional orders to cut the federal government's structural budget deficit almost to zero by 2016.

当前,社会发展迫切需要和技能素质极度欠缺的矛盾,给我们提出了加快农民工职业技能培训的严峻课题。Currently, quickening off-farm vocational skill training is a flinty subject we are facing now arising by conflict between social development need and skill lack.

这款爽口的葡萄酒引出绿豆般清新的香气。强劲的口感可为海鲜,白肉及意面酱料添别样风味。This zesty and refreshing wine offers a freshly cut grass nose, herbaceous green bean. Flinty characters enhance the taste of seafood, white meats, and creamy pasta sauces.

中国想实现国民经济快速增长,全面建设小康社会,以及中华民族伟大复兴的宏伟目标,面临着严峻的能源挑战。China must face the flinty challenge of energy in rapid growth of country economy, complete construction of moderately prosperous society and grand renascence of Chinese nation.

如果需要揭下,则用硬质卡纸先缓缓插入保护镜的粘结处,沿四边划松,然后均匀用力即可取下。If needs to take off, uses the flinty carton to insert slowly first guarantees gobe's caking place, delimits the pine along the fours nearby, then the even effort then takes down.

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知识经济时代的到来和我国正式加入WTO,既给我国沿海开放区域带来了国际化发展的机遇,同时也给该区域的基础研究带来了严峻的挑战。The advent of Knowledge Economy Age and our joining into WTO bring Chinese coastal open regions chance of internationalization and flinty challenge to their basic theory research.

他的线条严峻的脸庞似乎岩石一般,时间和人生的经历在他的脸庞上留下了斧凿般的线条,丹尼黑先生不仅拥有了角色外部的严峻气质,更是在精神层面上贴近了角色严酷的精神本质。His craggy face resembles a worn rock in which time and experience have etched hard lines, but Mr. Dennehy didn't before seem to possess in his bones the grim, flinty spirit of the man.

汉、隋两代的酷吏虽然在执法严峻、效忠国君、治理有效等方面有相似之处,但是他们之间又有一定程度的差异。There were many similarities in flinty law enforcement, allegiance and effective governance between the cruel officials in Han and Sui Dynasties. However, there were also some differences.