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无信之欠债者从不需借口。An ill payer never wants an excuse.

电子商业汇票的付款人为承兑人。The payer of an ECD shall be the acceptor.

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支票进账单打印,会自动记忆收款人和付款人的信息。Jinzhangchan check printing, automatic memory payer and payee information.

扣缴义务人每次所扣的税款,应当于五日内缴入国库,并向当地税务机关报送扣缴所得税报告表。The tax payable shall be withheld from the amount paid by the payer each time.

付款人信息为下单人详细资料,方便我们与您取得联系。Under the single payer information for detailed information to help us get in touch with you.

最好学习马太福音6章的主祷文,或者在使徒书信中的祷告。Better to use the Lord's payer of Matthew 6 as a model, or the Apostles prayers we find in the letters.

如信誉付款人提出要求而执票人不交付该汇票及拒绝证书者,则执票人须对信誉付款人负损害赔偿之责。If the holder does not on demand deliver them up, he shall be liable to the payer for honour in damages.

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纳税义务人自缴纳税款之日起一年内,可以要求海关退还。The obligatory duty payer may ask the Customs for refunding within one year of the date of duty payment.

看上去美国的纳税人们又要为这些华尔街的CEO和CFO们擦屁股了。It appears the American tax payer will once again clean-up the mess for these Wall Street CEO'S and CFO's.

艾尔·戈尔直到在争夺白宫总统宝座失利两年后,才透露说他支持一个单一付款人的卫生健康系统。Al Gore let on that he favored a single payer health-care system only two years after he lost the White House.

平衡票据被伪造人、付款人和伪造人的直接后手之间的权利义务是解决该问题的核心所在。Balance the rights and obligations between forger, the payer and the bade hand of forged are the core problem.

第六十六条海关收到纳税义务人的退税申请后应当进行审核。Article 66 The customs shall conduct examination upon receipt of the refund application as filed by a duty payer.

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帕耶在用金属雕刻钻练习自己的签名时,获得了这种独特的文字首饰的灵感。Payer got the idea for her unique jewelrywithwriting while practicing her signature with a metalen graving drill.

持票人超过付款期限提示付款的,代理付款人不予受理。Where the holder makes presentment for payment beyond the above time limit, the authorized payer shall reject it.

现在,收税员小傅和纳税人大宝,一个卖羊肉串的小贩将为您展示这非常之变化。Now, the tax collector, Xiaofu, and the tax payer Dabao, a vendor selling Yangrouchuan will show you the very change.

冈州波特兰市一傢服饰精品店展示她的作品时,一位妇女向她走过来。Jewelry designer Jeanine Payer was showing her wares in a boutique in Portland, Ore. , recently when a woman approached her.

若该指定付款厂商依期未支付相关款项时,原申请厂商负连带清偿与保证责任,绝无异议。The applicant agrees and promises to be the payer, if the relevant invoices are unable to be settled by the appointed payer.

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接受委托的人应当遵守本章对纳税义务人的各项规定。The person who accepts such an entrustment shall comply with all the provisions on the obligatory duty payer in this Chapter.

然而,洛里斯说,共和党是反对使用纳税人的钱用来资助应对气候变化的技术。However, Loris says Republicans are against using tax payer money to subsidize any technologies used to combat climate change.

海关应当依法对纳税义务人的应缴税款予以清缴。The customs shall, in accordance with the law, check up the payable duties of the obligatory duty payer and make them paid off.