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我们搭乘地区性航空公司“纳斯航空”的飞机飞往阿斯马拉,。We flew on Nasair, a regional airline, to Asmara.

这儿几乎没有犯罪,阿斯马拉是非洲最为安全的城市,许多人甚至懒得把他们的自行车上锁。There’s almost no crime. Asmara is known as one of the safest cities in Africa.

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从飞机在阿斯马拉国际机场降落的那一刻起,我就为强烈的日光所震惊。The minute we landed at Asmara International, I was struck by how bright the light was.

阿斯马拉位于岩石构成的高原上,海拔7700英尺,可以说是一个在云端上的城市。Asmara is located on a stony plateau, 7, 700 feet above sea level. It is essentially a city above the clouds.

因为这是唯一的一个城市,在一个短暂的时期里,授予了现代主义无限的权力来改造这个城市。What makes Asmara unique is that it is the one place where, briefly, modernism was granted untrammelled licence.

阿斯马拉在三十年代成为艺术装饰风格的实验室,可能是因为那些设计在意大利本土太出位了。Asmara became an Art Deco laboratory during the 1930s for designs that seemed, well, just too out there for mainland Italy.

2004年3月4日,厄立特里亚总统伊萨亚斯在阿斯马拉会见了正在此地访问的中国外交部部长助理吕国增。On March 4th, 2004, Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki met with visiting Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Lü Guozeng in Asmara.

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专业的行业服务,真诚的为广大旅客朋友提供北京到阿斯马拉特价机票。The professional services industry, in good faith for the vast number of visitors Beijing friends to provide special fares to Asmara.

专业的行业服务,真诚的为广大旅客朋友提供成都到阿斯马拉特价机票。The professional services industry, in good faith for the vast number of visitors Chengdu friends to provide special fares to Asmara.

在厄立特里亚首都阿斯拉马附近农民的农田中发现的大麦具有迄今为止最高的遗传多样性。The barley, found in farmer's fields surrounding the capital city Asmara in Eritrea, has the highest level of genetic diversity ever discovered.

这导致了该组织的分裂,温和派留在吉布提而强硬派继续以厄立特里亚首都阿斯马拉为基地。This has led to the split of the organization, the moderates to stay in Djibouti and the hard-liners continue to be based in the Eritrean capital Asmara.

意大利的专业人员和艺术家大量涌进阿斯马拉,建起了鞋厂、实验室、广场、旅馆、铁路,甚至还有阿尔卑斯风格的缆车。Italian professionals and artisans flooded into Asmara and built shoe factories, laboratories, plazas, hotels, the railroad and even an alpine-style cable car.

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不过,即使进了厄立特利亚,书面申请的工作并没有完全结束,假如你要到阿斯马拉以外的地方旅游必须提出申请,并且说明在哪里住宿,要待多久。Once in Eritrea, though, the paperwork is not over. You must apply for permits to travel outside of Asmara and explain where you will be staying and for how long.

埃塞俄比亚北部一城镇,位于阿斯马拉的南部,1896年迈拿里克皇帝二世在此决定性地击败了意大利人,从而保障了对埃塞俄比亚独立的承认。人口21,107。A town of northern Ethiopia south of Asmara. Emperor Menelik II decisively defeated the Italians here in 1896 to secure recognition of Ethiopia's independence. Population, 21,107.