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佛朗哥将军。Franco. Right.

佛朗哥复函,表示他始终不渝的忠诚。Franco replied, expressing his undying loyalty.

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巴雷西承认他非常希望有一天能执教AC米兰。Franco Baresi admits he'd love to one day coach AC Milan.

安妮·海瑟薇和詹姆斯·弗兰科将入主奥斯卡!James Franco and Anne Hathaway are headed for the Oscars.

著名歌剧导演是著名导演弗朗哥在掌舵。Renowned opera director Franco Zeffirelli is at the helm.

洛普斯和佛朗科发球,对手将球击出界。Lopes and Franco serve and opponents hit Ball out of court.

卡洛斯·纽斯曼向站在奖台上的洛普斯和佛朗科颁发奖章。Carlos Nusman presents medals to Lopes and Franco on podium.

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全付发票包括了到目的地的所有花费。The price in Franco invoice includes all expe es to destination.

全付发票包括了到目的地的所有花费。The price in Franco invoice includes all expenses to destination.

弗兰科先生负责打击所有的捣乱分子,包括他的搭档。Mr.Franco simply tackles all the offenders, including his co-host.

四种,它们分别是当地发票、FOB发票、CIF发票和全付发票。Four. They are Loco invoice, FOB invoice, CIF invoice and Franco invoice.

我周五得从房子里搬出来,因为佛朗哥又招了一位房客。I have to move out of my room on Friday because Franco has got another tenant.

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在罗马教廷,佛朗哥说,诺伊斯的评论已明显触及“痛处”。Noyes' comments have clearly touched a "raw nerve" at the Holy See, Franco said.

1936年,德国和意大利承认费朗西斯科佛朗哥为西班牙内阁。In 1936, Germany and Italy recognized the Spanish government of Francisco Franco.

雷吉纳前锋弗朗科·布里恩扎希望自己的球队可以保级成功。Reggina striker Franco Brienza is hopeful his side can maintain their Serie A status.

意大利经纪人萨瓦里亚相信罗马可以获得阿贾克斯前锋亨特拉尔。Italian agent Franco Zavaglia believes Roma can land Ajax striker Klaas-Jan Huntelaar.

1977年政府又宣布大赦,保证不会有人因弗朗哥政权的罪行而遭到审判。A 1977 amnesty ensures that nobody can be tried for abuses committed by Franco 's regime.

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这就意味着他最后的一场比赛是4-2击败尤文图斯德的那场比赛-佐拉在那场比赛里梅开二杜。That means his final game was the 4-2 defeat to Juventus — Franco got both Cagliari goals.

这本书的另一位作者,弗兰克·莫迪利阿尼,是第二作者,他是我在麻省理工大学的老师The other author, Franco Modigliani--in the book, the second author--was my teacher at MIT.

这本书的另一位作者,弗兰克·莫迪利阿尼,是第二作者,他是我在麻省理工大学的老师。The other author, Franco Modigliani--in the book, the second author--was my teacher at MIT.