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为什么我天天无精打采的?I why in poor fettle every day of?

你怎么这么无精打采?失恋啦。You how so in poor fettle?Brokenhearted.

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教父和父亲看起来都情绪高涨。Both padre and padrone seemed in fine fettle.

她向后靠在椅背上,无精打采。She leans back above the chair-back, in needy fettle.

也许,因为我并没有刻意去调整自己的状态。Perhaps, because I don't regulate my fettle designedly.

她从美国旅游回来后看着特别精神。in fine fettle when she came back from her trip to the States.

起初看来,被八月份的混乱所冲击的经济状况还不错。At first sight, the economy hit the August turmoil in fine fettle.

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她从美国旅游回来后看着特别精神。She was in fine fettle when she came back from her trip to the US.

也少不了一名高级兽医随侍左右,让你宠爱的海盗鹦鹉时刻神采奕奕。advanced veterinary practice kept your pirate parrots in fine fettle.

根据华尔街银行巨大的赔偿法案来判断,华尔街银行都状态良好。JUDGED by their giant compensation bills, Wall Street's banks are in fine fettle.

当然,高超的兽医执业能力将使你的海盗鹦鹉处于良好状态。And of course, advanced veterinary practice kept your pirate parrots in fine fettle.

好几位政界名人跟电视明星,就曾在维基百科上宣布自己翘了辫子,尽管他们仍生龙活虎。Several politicians and TV personalities have had their deaths announced on Wikipedia while they were still in fine fettle.

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温格承认韦恩·鲁尼本赛季已经全速启动,但是在本周日,这位英格兰球星不会让他极为苦恼。Wenger admits that the England international is in fine fettle but he knows that United have match-winners all over the pitch.

本公司古典家俱采用传统的工艺制作,手工打磨,榫卯连接。The classic household effects of our company adopts a traditional craft creation, hand work fettle shagging, the tenon Mao links.

他本赛季开局状态正佳,安德森希望能在自己梦想开始的地方继续这种状态。He's begun the season in fine fettle and Anderson is hoping to maintain his good form in the country where he made his name on Wednesday night.

通过加工破碎,调整粒度及配比等工艺参数,研制开发出铁合金精炼炉补炉料及堵眼粉。By means of crushing and conditioning the size ratio, fettle material and mud powder to plug tap-hole for electric refining furnace use were developed.

对余下的球队而言,6月15日科特迪瓦与葡萄牙的交锋将很大程度上决定结果,因为巴西的状态看上去足以获得想要的成绩。As for the rest, the clash between Ivory Coast and Portugal on June 15 will do much to decide the outcome, since Brazil looks in fine enough fettle to merit the favorite tag.

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谈话节目作为中国电视最常见的节目形态之一,其主要困境在于与自然的话语状态不符,而根源则在于未能处理好大众传播与人际传播之间的关系。At present time, puzzledom of talk show is falling short of daily talking fettle. The cause is mostly failing on dealing with the relation between mass communication and interpersonal communication.