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因为巴贝西虫能通过输血传播。Canis because it can be transmitted through blood transfusions.

目的观察犬弓首线虫幼虫在小鼠体内的移行情况。Objective To observe the migratory route of Toxocara canis larvae in mice.

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然而,当你看到它就在大犬星座边上,它看起来多像一个狗屋啊!However , when you see it near Canis Major it looks more like a dog house !

犬蛔虫对人公共卫生的意义应给予重视。Great attention should be paid to the pub- lic health significance of Toxocara canis.

表明我国极有可能存在该病的自然疫源地,有必要进行深入研究。It indicates that there may have the nature infective spots of E. canis in the country.

它被编录为夏普莱斯308,距离我们大约5,200光年远,位于大犬座内。It is recorded as Sharpless 308, about 5200 light years away from Earth, is located in Canis Major.

好嘛,现在他们的小犬都迫于压力,昨天不敢去了,并且做了书面道歉。Hao Ma, now they are under pressure, Canis Minor, afraid to go yesterday, and made a written apology.

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东部森林狼。许多科学家任然认为和东加拿大狼相比,它是一个单独的物种。Canis lupus lycaon – the eastern timber wolf. Some scientists maintain this wolf is a separate species, Canis lycaon.

另外的一些研究人员已经找到证据证明豺狼,也就是大灰狼,可能是东加拿大狼的一个已经消失的亚种。Other researchers have presented evidence that Canis lupus lycaon, the eastern timber wolf, may be a distinct species, Canis lycaon.

人、黑猩猩和恒河猴MIP-3基因的同源性较高,犬次之,而牛与以上四者的同源性均较低。The identity of MIP-3 gene in Homo sapiens, Pan troglodytes and Mcacaca mulatta was high, but low in Canis and lowest in Bos taurus.

毛囊虫皮肤病是由犬蠕形螨引起的,症状包括脱毛、红斑和鳞屑,不能传染人。Signs include hair loss, redness, and scaling, and is not contagious to humans. Sarcoptic mange is caused by Sarcoptes scabiei canis.

随着人们生活水平的提高,猫狗等宠物与人类接触的增加导致犬小孢子菌病逐年增加,特别是犬小孢子菌所致脓癣例数急剧增加。As living level improving, people get in touch with house pet more closely, the frequency of M. canis infection especially kerion is going up year by year.

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人蚤、猫栉首蚤和印鼠客蚤等在刺叮人时不仅产生刺激和引起疼痛,而且刺叮后局部皮肤常出现不同程度的过敏反应。A bite by Pulex irritans, Ctenocephalides felis and Ctenocephalides canis will not only cause excitation and pain, but also allergic reaction of certain degree.

根据卵囊形态大小和动物感染试验结果,将从犬分离的隐孢子虫初步鉴定为犬隐孢子虫。According to the shape of oocysts and the experimental-infection results, the Cryptosporidium oocysts derived from dogs were identified to be Cryptosporidium canis.

期望本实验结果能为FSH1功能分析奠定一定基础,为FSH1在犬小孢子菌所致头癣发病机制中的作用提供一定的依据。On the basis of these results, we will study the function of FSH1, which may be helpful for us to find the pathogenic mechanism of tinea capitis caused by M. canis.

埃里克氏体病是一种由犬埃立克体引起的疾病,由棕色狗蜱传播。临床症状有发热、血管炎和血细胞数量降低。Ehrlichiosis is a disease caused by Ehrlichia canis and spread by the brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineous. Signs include fever, vasculitis, and low blood counts.

目的对北京儿童医院的头癣患者分离所得的182株犬小孢子菌进行抗真菌药敏试验条件的探索。Objective Study on the broth microdilution antifungal susceptibility testing condition about 182 Microsporum canis derived from patients in Beijing Childrens Hospital.

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以SDS-PAGE酶联免疫印渍技术对蛔虫、钩虫、鞭虫及犬弓蛔虫的免疫交叉反应进行了研究。The immunological cross-reaction among Ascaris lumbricoides, Ascaris suum, hookworm, Trichuris trichiura and Toxocara canis was studied with SDS-PAGE immunoblotting technique.

PAGE揭示出犬种布鲁氏菌外膜蛋白具有布鲁氏菌属的共同性,同时也具有其种的特征性。It is revealed that the outer membrane proteins of Brucella canis exhibited the same property and characteristics that were indicated in species of the Brucella genus on SDS-PAGE.

作者应用比较基因组学和生物信息学方法比较了绵羊、牛、鹿和狗MHC-DQA1基因部分序列,并对该基因的遗传多样性及分子系统发育进行了分析。In this study, part of the MHC-DQA1 gene sequences of ovis aries, bos taurus, cervus nippon and canis familiaris were analyzed using the method of comparative genomics and bioinformatics.