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狗现在是你的朋友了呀。Doge are your friends now.

保罗承认是他下毒谋害总督。Paolo admits that he poisoned the doge.

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他带著推翻总督的决心离开。He leaves, determined to overthrow the doge.

其东端有圣马可大教堂和执政官宫。At the eastern end are St Mark's Cathedral and the Doge 's Palace.

在697威尼斯人举办的威尼斯共和国作为下一个民选总督。In 697 the Venetians organized Venice as a republic under an elected doge.

“埃菲亚斯·多吉向我们提到过她。”哈利说,想替赫敏解围。"Elphias Doge mentioned her to us, " said Harry, trying to spare Hermione.

临终时,总督祝福这对的年轻夫妇,并指定加布里埃尔为继任者。Dying, the doge blesses the young couple and names Gabriele as his successor.

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“真的太奇妙了!”威尼斯共和国的总统惊叹着。大家都称呼他总督。Absolutely amazing, said the President of the Republic of Venice, known as the Doge.

菲耶斯科向波卡涅拉表明身份,并从总督口中得知阿米利亚即是自己的孙女。Fiesco reveals his identity and learns from the doge that Amelia is his granddaughter.

“真的太奇妙了!”威尼斯共和国的总统惊叹著。大家都称呼他总督。"absolutely amazing, " said the president of the republic of venice, known as the doge.

“你怎么能这么说,穆丽尔?”多吉哀叹着说,“一个母亲杀死自己的亲生女儿?你想想你都在说些什么!”"How can you, Muriel?" groaned Doge. "A mother kill her own daughter? Think what you are saying! "

每年,总督都会在仪式上,通过向护城河扔一枚金戒指来迎娶大海。Each year, the doge "married" the sea in a ritual in which he threw a gold ring into the city's lagoon.

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她提醒他正计划的政治行动非常危险,并告诉他,总督波卡涅拉希望她嫁给他的追随者保罗。She warns him against the dangers of his political activities and tells him that the doge wants her to marry his courtier Paolo.

他们俩回来参加了我母亲的葬礼,然后多吉独自出发了,阿不思作为一家之长留了下来。The pair of 'em came home for my mother's funeral and then Doge went off on his own, and Albus settled down as head of the family.

爱借名义给无数可归因于它的往来交易,但它对它们的了解不会比威尼斯总督对威尼斯所发生的事了解得多。Love lends its name to countless dealings which are attributed to it but of which it knows no more than the doge knows what goes on in Venice.

在官员队伍走下大运河时,居统治地位的执政官,或市政府首脑,即地方长官,要从他的大礼仪船上将一枚结婚戒指抛进大海。The ruling doge or chief magistrate who was the head of the city government would throw a wedding ring into the water from his grand state galley during an official procession down the grand canal.