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第八天,回到伊尔库茨克。Day 8. Returning to Irkutsk.

第一天——伊尔库茨克。Day 1. The trip begins in Irkutsk.

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今天伊尔库茨克是相同的,但还没有迹象了。Today Irkutsk is the same but there are no signs anymore.

从伊尔库茨克到乌兰巴托的旅程有个吓人的开端。The journey from Irkutsk to Ulan Bator got off to an alarming start.

飞行于北京和西伯利亚城市伊尔库茨克,跨越于两个不同的米制飞行高度层系统。Fly between Beijing and Irkutsk and survive in two different metric flight levels systems!

我毕业于伊尔库茨克大学人道主义两年前,当代舞蹈学院。I graduated from Irkutsk Humanitarian University two years ago, contemporary dance faculty.

公共汽车通常会在早上到来,几个小时候就可以到达伊尔库茨克市中心。A bus usually comes in the morning and in few hours you find yourself in the Irkutsk city center.

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据称,这四名嫌疑人是在伊尔库茨克和萨彦斯克被抓捕的,他们年龄在20至22岁之间。Allegedly, the four suspects in the Irkutsk and Sayansk were arrested, and their age between 20 to 22 years of age.

苏联西伯利亚东南部一城市,位于伊尔库次克附近的安加拉河畔。是一个制造业中心。人口25',000。A city of southeast Siberian U. S. S. R. on the Angara River near Irkutsk. It is a manufacturing center. Population, 25', 000.

主要的困难是到达边境村——Mondy村,Mondy村与伊尔库茨克市相距数百公里。The main difficulty is getting to the border village of Mondy, which is separated from Irkutsk by several hundreds of kilometers.

该公司目前已经赢得了几乎200架的订单并开始筹建在伊尔库斯科的总装工厂。The manufacturer has so far won up to almost 200 orders for the aircraft and has started work on the final assembly plant in Irkutsk.

在拍摄于西伯利亚的伊尔库茨克州的镜头里,出现一个不明发光体和五个行雪中漫步的外星人。The clip, filmed in the remote Irkutsk region of Siberia, appears to show a strange glowing craft and five aliens walking about in the snow.

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夏娜和她男友像我们一样乘坐横贯西伯利亚列车到伊尔库茨克,然后转乘穿越蒙古的列车经乌兰巴托到北京。Like us, Shayna and her boyfriend Hans were taking the Trans-Siberian to Irkutsk and then taking the Trans-Mongolian to Ulan Bator and Beijing.

苏联西伯利亚部分南部一城市,位于伊尔库次克西北偏北安加拉河上。建有水电站。人口240,000。A city of southern Siberian U. S. S. R. on the Angara River north-northwest of Irkutsk. It has hydroelectric power installations. Population, 240,000.

勃拉茨克苏联西伯利亚部分南部一城市,位于伊尔库次克西北偏北安加拉河上。建有水电站。人口240,000。A city of southern Siberian U. S. S. R. on the Angara River north-northwest of Irkutsk. It has hydroelectric power installations. Population, 240, 000.

本文阐述了在苏联伊尔库茨克工学院金刚石钻进试验台上钻进花岗斑岩时取得的试验研究结果。In this article have been shown the results of experimental research, completed at diamond drill stand in Irkutsk College of Technology, when drilling granite-porphyry.

我生于伊尔库茨克地区的安噶斯克,我毕业于国立罗蒙诺索夫莫斯科大学的生物物理系,获得生物学博士学位。I was born in Angarsk, Irkutsk region. I graduated from the faculty of biology of the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, the biophysics department and got the PhD in biology.

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此前,在今年8月份,有人在遥远的西伯利亚伊尔库茨克地区拍到一搜奇异的发光飞船,还有5个外星人在雪地里四处走。This latest claim from Russia comes after footage filmed in August in the remote Irkutsk region of Siberia appeared to show a strange glowing craft and five aliens walking about in the snow.

伊尔库茨克州内务局表示,被扣留的中国公民大部分都是“非法移民”,其中16人的材料已经交给法院,以决定是否将他们遣送回国。Irkutsk State House Bureau said most of the detained Chinese citizens are "illegal immigrants", of which 16 have been handed over to the court the material to decide whether to repatriate them.