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一只黄褐色的猫头鹰在林中叩问着。Where a tawny owl was enquiring.

警察正在调查这起谋杀案。The police are enquiring into the murder.

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我想问一下,我们正等着你们寄校样来。I'm enquiring about some proofs we're expecting from you.

我想询问关于招聘出纳员一职的广告。I'm enquiring about your advertisement about your need in a cashier.

我正在查阅这家图书馆可能保存的关于城市远景规划的任何资料。I'm enquiring after any information the library might have on future city planning.

贵公司7月1日来函就该商品优惠条件的询盘敬悉。We have received your letter of July 1, enquiring about the best terms of the goods.

询问治疗慢性鼻炎的最佳季节是什么时候,如何治疗效果最佳?。Enquiring the optimal season that treats chronic rhinitis is when, how to treat the effect optimal?

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如果你真的在探询,那么你就不能从一个结论开始,所有的思想观念都是一种结论。If you are really enquiring you cannot start with a conclusion, and all ideologies are a conclusion.

一家赞比亚进口商号来信询问我们能否出口大量车床。A Zambian importer wrote us enquiring about the possibility of our exporting laths in large quantities.

他昨晚说如果莫里尼奥或者切尔西来询问他的话,我们一定会和他们谈谈。He did say last night that if Jose or Chelsea come enquiring about them, we will certainly talk to them.

当今年询问道是否希望带来一个节日祝福之时,我们被和蔼地告知「不」。When enquiring if the Tao wished to bring forth holiday blessings this year, we were graciously told NO.

没人知道答案,但我们已经进行了专业的推测,并试图把结果传达给满腹疑问的公众。No one knows of course, but we make educated guesstimates and try to communicate them to an enquiring public.

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节目播出后,英国广播公司被大量的问询电话淹没了,上当的观众都在问意大利面怎么会从地里长出来。After the piece, the BBC were inundated with calls from duped viewers enquiring as to how spaghetti could be grown.

他的第一个念头就是去找斯莱姆算帐,经过探询,才知道斯莱姆已于头一天早晨离开麦格斯市了。His first thought was to seek out Slyme, but he found upon enquiring that the latter had left the town previous morning.

当叫牌没有做出时,作答者必须确保询问对手清楚其所做的叫牌。When the calls are not spoken responders must ensure that it is clear to an enquiring opponent what calls have been made.

曼耐什告诉我,只需稍作宣传,每天就会有10-15个人来咨询午餐递送服务。Manesh says that even with very little publicity, 10-15 people have been enquiring about the tiffin wala service everyday.

他们的灵感来自于20年前,当时一个女人打电话来要求为自己定制一具红色喷气式飞机造型的棺木。They discovered the special business 20 years ago when a woman called enquiring about being buried in a replica red arrows jet.

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我询问有关的枕头和靠垫范围,并想知道你的产品的成本,也运送到英国。I am enquiring about pillow and cushion cover range and would like to know the costs of your products and also to ship to the UK.

通过询问用户所在位置的天气等信息能够帮助呼叫中心的雇员个性化每个对话。This can help the call center employees personalize the conversation by enquiring about the weather from the customer's location, and so on.

此时老僧走了进来,问起居毕,说已备好早饭,要我们去用餐。At that time, the old monk walked in. Finished enquiring of our living in the night, he said the breakfast are ready and asked us for eating.