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男孩向狗扔了一块石头。The boy shied a stone at the dog.

那马听到巨大的响声时惊得往后倒退。The horse shied at the loud noise.

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那马看到路上的蛇吓得直往后退。The horse shied at the snake on the road.

金雀花丛把她的马惊得猛然后退。Her horse shied violently at a gorse bush.

那匹马被火车吓得直喷鼻连连倒退。The horse snorted and shied at the train.

那匹马听到枪响后,惊得直往后退。The horse shied when it heard the gun shot.

但她一直刻意回避此类关注。But she has always shied away from the attention.

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那匹马听到那响声惊得向后倒退,把骑马的人摔了下来。The horse shied at the loud noise and threw its rider.

在患病初期,穆罕默德远离了媒体的聚光灯。Early in his disease, Muhammad shied away from the spotlight.

如今,贝宝不再发出革命的豪言壮语。For now, PayPal has shied away from using revolutionary rhetoric.

但当询问者得知涉及的内容时,他们中的多数都回避了。But when the inquirers learned what was involved, most of them shied away.

我从没在挑战面前退缩过,我也知道,即使打退堂鼓,也不一定管用。I never shied from a challenge and I'm not sure I could have even if I wanted to.

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在最后关头马看见一辆驶过的火车惊得向后倒,将骑马人摔了下来。At the last moment the horse shied at sight of a passing train and thrrew its rider.

但标题作者们所回避改革问题是否有实质进展么?But was there any substance to the reforms that the headline-writers shied away from?

但是他的马没跑多远,就突然避到路边停了下来。His horse had not drawn them far, however, when it suddenly shied aside and came to a halt.

他将要求一些条件,比如承诺贷款额,这是保尔森不愿提供的。He will press for conditions, such as lending commitments, which Mr Paulson shied away from.

的确,在该公司108年的历史当中,常常不愿在任何方面领先。Indeed, for most of the company's 108-year history, it shied away from being first with anything.

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大家都知道,本届政府一直都在根据美国法律对这些活动予以制裁。As you know, the Administration has not shied from sanctioning such activities, as required by U.S. law.

塑料编织集装袋装,内衬塑料薄膜袋,集装箱装运,每箱20袋。Packed in Plastic Woven Flexible Container, Lined with Plastic Film Bags, Shied in Container, 20Bags for Each.

由于担心误伤平民和加剧地区敌对情绪,包围者不敢贸然进行全方面打击。The besiegers have shied from all-out assaults, for fear of killing civilians and deepening regional enmities.