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海伦·哈比拉是尼日利亚诗人和小说家。Helon Habila is a Nigerian poet and novelist.

同时,Dangote还是尼日利亚有史以来第一位亿万富翁。Dangote is also the first-ever Nigerian billionaire.

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同时在尼日利亚电视台和广播重播。It has been widely rebroadcast by Nigerian TV and radio stations.

最后尼日利亚恶魔进来用鞭子抽打你,直到过完一天。Then the Nigerian devil comes in and whips you for the rest of the day.

尼日利亚选手托里奥拉应该掀不起什么风浪。The Nigerian contestant Tory aurar should not be able to raise any storm.

这种尼日利亚矮山羊源自西非小奶羊的后裔。Nigerian Dwarf goat is a miniature dairy goat breed of West African ancestry.

尼日利亚现行宪法限制总统两次连任四年的任期。The Nigerian constitution currently limits presidents to two four-year terms.

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富士音乐包括二战后尼日利亚西部打击乐及声乐。Fuji encompasses post-World War II western Nigerian percussion and vocal music.

图图奥拉是为尼日利亚带来国际声誉的第一位作家。Amos Tutuola is the first Nigerian writer who has won international recognition.

隐遁的企业大亨在于尼日利亚前军事领导合作后得到巨大转机。Reclusive tycoon got big break hobnobbing with former Nigerian military leaders.

尼日利亚乔斯城基督徒和穆斯林之间爆发冲突。Clashes have broken out between Christians and Muslims in the Nigerian city of Jos.

JTF指的是尼日利亚联合特遣部队,是一支军警联合部队。JTF refers to the Nigerian Joint Task Force, is a joint military and police forces.

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尼日利亚总统亚拉杜瓦称动荡局面将被控制。The Nigerian President Umaru Yar 'Adua said the unrest would be brought under control.

尼日利亚军方当天袭击目标为一名自称“约翰·托戈”的犯罪团伙头目。Nigerian military targets was a day of self-proclaimed "Yuehantuoge" crime gang leader.

一些男人穿着宽松的、睡衣似的尼日利亚服装,还有穿西服的。Some of the men were in loose, pyjama -style Nigerian suits, others in western clothes.

国外官员和尼日利亚官员相信他和北非的基地组织有联系。Foreign and Nigerian officials believe it has linked with al-Qaeda's north-African wing.

尼日利亚警方认为,伊斯兰激进组织博科圣地背后操纵这起爆炸事件。The Nigerian police believe the Islamic militant group Boko Haram is behind the bombing.

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这一结果使纳米比亚的移动电话市场成为非洲的第二大市场。It’s a result that has made the Nigerian mobile phone market the second largest in Africa.

不管怎样,她是健康的而且我们爱她,她是英裔尼日利亚人的骄傲。All that matters is that she's healthy and that we love her.She's a proud British Nigerian.

阿库尼丽说,这位年轻的尼日利亚人旅居国外的这段时间受到了不好的影响。Akunyili says the young Nigerian may have been influenced negatively during his stay abroad.