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是因为用眼疲劳吗?Is it because of eyestrain?

有没有好一点的方法解决眼睛疲劳?。Does the method that has had solve eyestrain?

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这样可以帮助你防止眼睛疲劳和紧张。This helps prevent eye fatigue and eyestrain.

不到一周的时间,我眼睛疲劳的问题不见了。Within about a week my eyestrain problems were gone.

从周围的眩光灯和灯光可能会导致眼睛疲劳。Glare from surrounding lamps and lights can lead to eyestrain.

由偏光立体眼镜也有较少的眼睛疲劳,长期运行。The polarized 3D glasses also cause less eyestrain in the long run.

多食蓝莓可缓解高密度工作所导致的眼疲劳。Rich in Vitamin A, blueberries alleviate eyestrain caused by close work.

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没有任何的眼疲劳是因为看事物的光明面造成的。No cases of eyestrain have been developed by looking on the bright side of things.

常常在无目的的上网数小时后,我才因感到眼睛疲劳而打住。I'm trying to cut back by remembering my eyestrain after hours of pointless web surfing.

阅读思想内容,避免眼睛疲劳地盯在密密麻麻的字面上。Read the contents of thinking, to avoid eyestrain to keep an eye on the numerous literally.

获得电影体验无粒状或眼睛,铺在范围上的权利。To get a cinematic experience without graininess or eyestrain , shop in the ranges at right.

为了减轻眼疲劳,我们将在公司的每一台计算机上都安装防辐射屏。To reduce eyestrain , we are going to install anti-glare screens on all of the company's computers.

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花卉肯定能美化您的办公室。它们的芬芳让你神清气爽,颜色能解除您的眼睛疲劳。I'm sure flowers will add beauty to your office. Their aroma lifts irits, and their colours alleviate eyestrain.

你在阅读文稿时感到眼睛疲劳吗?长时间盯着电脑屏幕,觉得视力下降了?When you read the document you eyestrain ? For a long time staring at computer screens, was a decrease of vision?

长时间戴不合适的眼镜,造成眼睛疲劳,看不清东西,导致视力下降者。A long time to wear glasses inappropriate, causing eyestrain , things look unclear, resulting in a decrease visual acuity.

光线疗法副作用很罕见,最常见的有神经紧张、眼涩、头疼。Potential side effects of light therapy are rare and most often include jitteriness , a feeling of eyestrain and headache.

豪华钉剪折叠式的4倍放大镜,增加信任,减少眼睛疲劳剪婴儿的微型指甲。Deluxe nail clipper with fold-away 4x magnifier to increase confidence and reduce eyestrain while trimming baby's tiny nails.

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有眼疲劳。方式是将手放在前额呈还礼状。要是这你的眼睛感应放松,那么你的办公空间就太明亮了。Check for eyestrain by putting your hand to your forehead in a salute. If your eyes feel relieved, your work space is too bright.

而主页又是论坛的重要之处,因此主页的布局一定要合理,不能够太花哨,使人眼睛疲劳。The home is an important forum, and are therefore the layout of the home page must be reasonable, not too fancy, people eyestrain.

对两种“无频闪光源”减缓学生眼疲劳和近视发生与发展的干预作用进行评估。To evaluate the protection action of two kinds of no strobe light agaist occurrence and development of eyestrain and shortsighted.