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金和银是容易加工的金属。Gold and silver are tractable metals.

金和银是容易加工的金属。Stener had always been very tractable.

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由于为数不多的居民住在城市所提供的住宅中,因此他们在政治方面易受摆布。The few residents, since they live in city housing, have been politically tractable.

分解是使复杂问题变得易于处理的最常见的技术之一。Decomposition is one of the most common techniques to make a complex problem tractable.

然而,另外一个有趣,然而一直未有实质进展的问题可能更好回答一些。However, another fascinating question, hithertoabsent from the palaver, may prove more tractable.

一些美国人认为,如果我们让中国实现民主,他们会变得更容易驾驭。Some here in the United States believe that if we democratise China, they will become more tractable.

但POMDP的可能应用大部分没有实现,这主要是因为缺乏有效的算法。The applied potential for POMDP remains largely unrealized due to lack of tractable solution methodologies.

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如果将可能抛出异常的操作与不会抛出异常的操作分开,那么问题就更容易处理了。If you separate the operations that can throw an exception from those that can't, the problem becomes more tractable.

同样,经济学家对人类动机的简化,往往是让复杂问题变得易于处理的唯一方法。Similarly, the economist's simplification of human motivation is often the only way to make a complex problem tractable.

他是一种反应积极的、热爱家庭成员的、多用途的工作犬,多才多艺,聪明、欢快、且容易训练。He is a responsive, loving member of the family, a versatile working dog, multi-talented, sensible, bright and tractable.

通常来说,决策问题需要根据世界的状态作出一些假设,并使它们易于处理。Typically, decision problems require making some sorts of assumptions about the state of the world to be at all tractable.

不过有些事情是没法挽回的。至少这能让泰雷西亚人听话感恩,他们将来会有用处的,而时机也不会太过遥远。At least it was making the Tiresians more tractable and grateful, and they, too, would have their uses, not far down the line.

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由于对一小块生物体的理解,我们会获得一些额外的东西,来处理容易处理的东西,并最终成为可以工程化的东西。As each small piece of biology is understood, we gain something extra to work with, something tractable and, ultimately, engineerable.

现在大家认为,生命之树是人类试图使理解大自然这件差事更易驾驭而强加给自然界的有价值的事物。It is now accepted that the tree of life is something we impose on nature in an attempt to make the task of understanding it more tractable

最后证明如果正规量化带标公式的每一个子句如果最多包含两个文字,则该公式的可满足性问题是易解的。As a result, the subclass of regular quantified signed formulae, which each formula only contains clauses with at most two signed literals, is tractable.

与人说话不要带有恶意或嫉妒,这象征着温顺和值得赞扬的品性。在所有情绪容易激动的场合,要让理智做主。Let your conversation be without malice or envy, for 'tis a sign of a tractable and commendable nature, and in all causes of passion admit reason to govern.

系统与控制理论中的许多问题,都可转化为线性矩阵不等式约束的凸优化问题,从而简化其求解过程。Many important problems of system and control theory can be reformulated as linear matrix inequality convex optimization problems, which is numerically tractable.

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总之,研究人员必须避免服务于采用简单、机械地可追踪假设的诱惑,因为这样的假设虽然会使得假设验证简洁,但结果却会不准确。In short, researchers must avoid succumbing to the temptation to adopt simple, mathematically tractable assumptions that make hypothesis testing neat but inaccurate.

她变得顺从驯良,倘若迈克尔给她一些轻松的工作,她从不评论,从不抱怨,只是之后会回到椅子那里。She was biddable , tractable. If Michael found some slight task for her to do, she did it without comment, without complaint, but then she would return to her chair.

自从广泛的社会挑战被当做一系列小范围的,更为温和的变革可以被更好地理解时,组织理论学者卡尔·韦克就强调寻求“小规模改善”的优点的重要性。The organizational theorist Karl Weick highlights the virtue of seeking "small wins," since broad social challenges are better understood as a series of narrower, more tractable ones.