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前的宽限期,因此,是一个过程。Prevenient grace, therefore, is a process.

要让投资者看到未来,企业经营者就要布局在先。Want to let investor see future, business operator is about layout is prevenient.

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但就是浓缩型的也比我们在之前询问的价格高出不少。In fact, the price of the concentration products also much higher than our prevenient acquirement.

因为没有上帝及预先的安排可以使这世界及其一切可能性适合我的意志。For there is no God and no prevenient design, which can adapt the world and all its possibilities to my will.

利用理论计算结果澄清和解决了一些前人实验结果存在的问题。With the aid of the theoretical results, some problems existing in prevenient experimental results are solved.

笔者在大量吸取前人研究的基础上,在以上两方面做了一定程度的改进。On the basis of prevenient research, the author has improved from two aspects, including variable selections and research methods.

然而,以往的课程发展中存在一些问题,并与全纳教育理念相差甚远,因此需要构建一种新的全纳教育课程。However, there are a lot of shortage in the prevenient curriculum development, which are different from inclusive education concept.

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如何有效利用当地丰富的太阳能和风能资源取代原有的能源消耗,是本文研究的目的。How to utilize local abundant solar and wind energy resource to replace prevenient energy consumption is what this thesis studies for.

从当今企业的造假现象分析入手,指出会计造假所产生的原因,并提出对会计造假进行监管防范的措施。This paper starts from enterprise accounting cheat phenomena, points out the cause of making fault and proposes the prevenient measures.

这四大方面在以往的美学体系中已有涉及,但是德索使之有了更加系统的意义。These four aspects have been involved in prevenient aesthetic system. However, Dessoir have given them more important and systematic meaning.

上个月有个同事考上了公务员,当他离职后,同部门的人都说看到旁边空荡荡的座位真是有一丝感伤,直到有新同事的加入才消除了这种感觉。One of my prevenient colleague passed the exam of official, all of us in our department felt a bit sad when he quit job, until the fresher took place of him.

在市场化程度越来越高的情况下,过往计划经济体制下用以解决征地问题的方法已经明显落后。On the condition of marketization, it has been proved that the prevenient solution for land requisition problems in the planned economy system is unenlightened.

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电力网格实现了电力系统硬件资源和软件资源的有效整合和全面共享,弥补了以往分布式监控的很多不足之处。The hardware and software resources in power system are integrated and shared efficiently, and many shortages are remedied in the prevenient power monitor system.

虽然对于用户资料仍处于默认开放的状态,只是通过细节进行完善,如,向用户推荐好友动态在先。Although still be in acquiescent and open position to user data, just undertake perfecting through detail, be like, recommend good friend trends to the user prevenient.

这样的理论框架,不同于以往的美学理论中对艺术的研究,就是与他本人的美学理论框架也有了鲜明的区别。Dessoir"s framework of art science is not only different from the prevenient research on art in aesthetic theory, but different from his framework for aesthetics brightly."

一般认为,珠光体转变得到铁素体和渗碳体的机械混合物,而且存在领先相。It is generally considered that the simple mechanical mixture of ferrite and cementite is gained in the pearlite transformation and there is prevenient phase in this process.

在实际企业中,所有者应改变以前的观念,将知识型员工视为企业的伙伴,建立长久和相对的稳定的关系。In the actual enterprise, the owner should change the prevenient idea to regard the knowledge workers as the partners and form long and relatively steady relationship with them.

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共析分解是个自组织过程,具有铁素体和渗碳体互为领先相的整合机制。The eutectoid decomposition is a self organization process, which is characterized by the integrated mechanism that ferrite and cementite acted as prevenient phase alternatively.

应用系统科学的理论和方法,研究了钢中珠光体共析分解机制,否定了领先相的存在。The scientific theory and method are applied to study the pearlitic eutectoid decomposition mechanism in steels and the concept of existence of so-called prevenient phase was negated.

建立起强大的销售网络,具有超前的现代管理技能的精英组成,对品牌战略的实施和推广有独特的操作模式和运管方法。Establish a strongest sales network with prevenient modern manage skill, we also possess unique operation model and procedure both on fighting name brand and on spreading our products.