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“我们都松了一口气,”斯科特承认。"We are relieved, " admitted the Scot.

到苏格兰去要花多少钱?What does it cost to get to Scot -land?

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我说斯格特,不要对她抓得太紧,至少在圣诞节的时候要让她轻松些。I say, take it easy on her, Scot. At least on Christmas.

他说自己是苏格兰人,却有着浓重的利物普口音。He claimed to be s Scot but had a powerful Liverpool accent.

接下来的一局中,穆雷用两个ACE结束了整盘比赛。The Scot hit two aces in the next game to close out the set.

一美国人,苏格兰人和加拿大人同时死于一场车祸。An American, a Scot and a Canadian were killed in a car accident.

本场的第一分双方就打了23个回合,最后以穆雷正手失误结束。The first contained 23 strokes, ending with a mis-timed forehand by the Scot.

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飞的斯科特?并且FS标识语是飞斯科特的注册商标?公司。Flying Scot ? and the FS logo are registered trademarks of Flying Scot ? , Inc.

苏格兰人承认买通了一个出租司机叫他坐到后座去。The Scot admitted he bribed a cabbie in Bangkok to let him get behind the wheel.

虽说语言不通,杨老师和格瑞已经切磋多次了。Although there is a language barrier, Master Yang and Scot have met many times already.

55岁的苏格兰人呸丫特,就有一方平整的前额,可谓以身试菌做起表率。Pyott, 55, a Scot with a smooth-looking forehead, leads by example and uses it himself.

当然,当斯科特·汉塞尔曼决定发明儿童操作程序时,一定会想到这一想法。Well, that's what Scot Hanselman must have thought when he decided to create Baby Smash.

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比尔·麦凯基是来自苏格兰的球员,他也在两次带领过曼联队出战,分别是1934-35以及1939-40。Bill McKay was a Scot who also captained United for two spells, from 1934-35 and 1939-40.

斯科特•马歇尔大使说,学交换生能更好为良好的双边关系创造了个人基础。Ambassador Scot Marciel says student exchanges create a personal basis for better relations.

同时,苏格兰人还支持他的球员们在不久的将来重返胜利之路。Meanwhile, the Scot backed his Liverpool players to return to winning ways in the near future.

由于公鹿队一开始遥遥领先,所以比赛的最后结果让公鹿队教练史考特史提尔感到格外失望。After a promising start, Bucks coach Scot Stiles was disappointed with how the game turned out.

“他是个非常棒的反击类选手,”费德勒对这位年轻的苏格兰小将的优点这样描述道。"He's a great counterpuncher, " Federer said of what made the young Scot such a tough opponent.

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苏格兰人提醒做客安菲尔德的球队将会比赛开始一直都处于被动挨打的局面。The Scot has warned teams travelling to Anfield to expect to be under the cosh right from kick-off.

布莱克浦主教练伊恩霍洛韦说过在夏季之前他是不会放走25岁的苏格兰人的。Blackpool manager Ian Holloway has said he will not let the 25-year-old Scot leave until the summer.

他和妻儿及宠物住在维多利亚东部的丛林。Scot lives with his wife and three children, two dogs and some chooks in the bush in Eastern Victoria.