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执行国家化大交通运输计划。Implementing plans for the nationalisation of a major carrier.

营建业已经在收归国有的过程受伤惨重。The construction industry has been badly hurt by nationalisation.

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这催生了喜好国有化,厌恶市场的极右翼主义。This produces a far right that likes nationalisation and dislikes the market.

国有化的威胁已经消退,提振了银行股的价格。The threat of nationalisation has receded, reinvigorating the banks' share prices.

伯利兹上诉法院裁定2009年伯利兹电信业的国有化一事是违反宪法的。The Court of Appeal in Belize ruled that the country’s 2009 nationalisation of Belize Telemedia was unconstitutional.

谁会想到昔日强大的哈利法克斯银行会被迫屈服蹒跚着走向国有化的道路?Who would have thought that the mighty Halifax could be brought to its knees and teeter on the verge of nationalisation?

坏银行信奉“把损失国有化”---那些美国按揭贷款资产招致的损失,并意味着这些损失由纳税人来承担。Bad banks enshrined "nationalisation of the losses" caused by US mortgage-backed assets and meant they fell to the taxpayer.

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克莱斯勒就在秘鲁逃脱了一次国有化风潮,因为它在当地的制造工厂仅需一半的原料就可以组装一辆车。Chrysler escaped a wave of nationalisation in Peru because its local factory manufactured only half the components needed to assemble a car.

人们常常提到法国,但是法国的农民所有制,比起英国的大地主所有制离土地国有化要远得多。France was frequently alluded to, but with its peasant proprietorship it is farther off the nationalisation of land than England with its landlordism.

查韦斯甚至怂恿巴西左派的民主领导人卢拉,鼓动对玻利维亚和厄瓜多尔的巴西资产国有化。Mr Chávez even goaded Brazil's Lula, a fellow-leftist but a democratic one, by egging on the nationalisation of Brazilian assets in Bolivia and Ecuador.

在美国、英国和其他地方,对金融危机所做的国有化的援助手段明白的表示了—国家是全力支持资本的。In the US, the UK and elsewhere, the bailouts have taken the form of nationalisation of troubled financial institutions – with the full support of capital.

在西方国家,国有化预期会导致公司股价暴跌,而在中国情况正好相反,股价不降反升。In the West the prospect of nationalisation causes companies’ share prices to collapse, but the opposite often occurs in China, and share prices rise instead.

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去年的这个时候,保守党和他们的媒体利用北石银行挤兑事件来抨击布朗和达林,并反对国有化。This time last year the Conservatives and their media mates were using the Northern Rock bank run to lash Brown and Alistair Darling and to oppose nationalisation.

接着,国家还面临着补偿性付款,总共达到了数十亿美元??查韦斯承诺会在2007年大兴国有化之后全部付清。Then there are compensation payments, totalling several billion dollars, that Mr Chávez is committed to paying out after a nationalisation spree he embarked on in 2007.

但有一半受调查者认为,包括国有化和政府没收在内的政治风险是在这些新市场开展业务的主要障碍。But half of respondents said that political risks – including the dangers of nationalisation and expropriation – were the main obstacle to doing business in these new markets.

采访中,格林斯潘先生,这位数十年来一直被认为是坚守自由资本主义的祭司级人物,说国有化也许是留给政策制订者们的最不坏选择。In an interview, Mr Greenspan, who for decades was regarded as the high priest of laisser-faire capitalism, said nationalisation could be the least bad option left for policymakers.

随着金融机构核心部门的国有化,美国自由市场信条就已经自毁,而其他国家保持全面控制的做法得到认可。With the nationalisation of crucial parts of the financial system, the American free-market creed has self-destructed while countries that retained overall control of markets have been vindicated.