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每个团体中也会有一些独自的表演者。Every group also has a few soloist performers.

你可以成为一个独奏者,同时加入管线乐队里演奏。You can be a soloist and play in an orchestra.

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这首小提琴协奏曲的独奏者是耶胡迪梅纽因。The soloist in the violin concerto was yehudi menuhin.

这首小提琴协奏曲的独奏者是耶胡迪梅纽因。The soloist in the violin concerto was yeh udi menuhin.

交响乐团用有规律的八分音符怂恿着独奏者。The orchestra eggs the soloist on with its regular quavers.

极为热情的观众为那位独唱演员热烈鼓掌。The audience, which was most enthusiastic applauded the soloist.

而且广告必须与其它活动和谐一致,方能有好的演出效果。In its performance, advertising is not a soloist. It is a member.

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男高音独唱者因病今晚不能演出.The tenor soloist is unable to appear tonight because of illness.

来自童话般美丽的东方的国际知名二胡演奏大师马晓辉。From a fairytale East came the music of the guest soloist Ma Xiaohui.

而且广告必须与其它活动和谐一致,方能有好的演出效果。In its performance, advertising is not a soloist. It is a member of an.

她是一个伟大的伴奏和独奏,而并非总是如此。She was a great accompanist as well as soloist and that isn't always the case.

例如,本剧主演海伊曾是德国德累斯顿森帕歌剧院的芭蕾舞独舞演员。Hay, for instance, was formerly a soloist with the Semperoper Ballet in Dresden, Germany.

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演奏结束后,我竟然出乎意料地获得了“最悦耳独奏者”奖。At the end of the performance, to my astonishment, I won the prize for best sweet soloist.

刘霄,中央音乐学院青年教师,作为独奏家曾和国内一流乐团合作。Liu Xiao teaches at CCOM. As a soloist he collaborated with leading orchestras from China.

1998年他晋升为独立舞者,2002年春天,他晋升为首席舞者。He was promoted to the rank of soloist in 1998 and to principal dancer in the spring of 2002.

若有所思的四小节的弱音之后,独奏者奏出宽幅的琶音。After a more thoughtful four bars ofp the soloist leaves the stage with a widespread arpeggio.

早期的爵士乐以新奥尔良为中心,并有出色的首席独奏者小号手路易斯。Early jazz was centered in New Orleans and had trumpeter Louis Armstrong as its first great soloist.

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他曾在世界五大洲的大城市开独奏会并与交响乐队和名指挥合作演出。He has performed in almost every continent as recitalist and soloist with many big orchestras under famous conductors.

她曾被邀请加入伊拉克国家交响乐团的伴奏,但现在她却成为独奏。She was invited to join the Iraqi National Symphony Orchestra as an accompanist but now appears with them as a soloist.

一个芭蕾舞蹈演员,其地位高于芭蕾群舞中的一员,低于独舞者,在小组中表演。A ballet dancer who ranks above a member of the corps de ballet and below a soloist and who performs in small ensembles.