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她目前正在利物浦剧院演出。She is currently appearing at the Liverpool Playhouse.

华轩每年的工作人员大约为80人。Cathay Playhouse staffs a total of about 80 people each year.

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实际上,它是孩子们游戏房里的坏了的高脚杯。It's, in fact, a broken goblet from the children's playhouse.

它是伦敦所有剧场中最好的、很快也成了最出名的那一个。It was the best playhouse in London, and soon the most famous.

在杰克逊剧场,游客还可以度过一个美好的夜晚。Visitors can also enjoy an evening at the Jackson Hole Playhouse.

例如,看似廉价的胶合板盒子,像我准备建造的在树桩上的儿童游戏房。No cheap-looking plywood box or precious playhouse on stilts would do.

孩子的游戏房是用一堆纸箱做成的。The children's playhouse has been made from a pile of cardboard boxes.

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孩子们的游戏房是由一堆纸箱做成的。The children's playhouse has been formed from a pile of cardboard boxes.

这是附近的海滨长廊,毗邻路易斯堡剧场。It is near the waterfront boardwalk and adjacent to the Louisbourg Playhouse.

该职位保证北京中英百老汇各个演出间的连续性。This position guarantees continuity as Beijing Playhouse goes from show to show.

他实习作为演员在著名的帕萨迪纳剧场,和被发现。He interned as an actor at the famed Pasadena Playhouse , and was discovered there.

这个地区有许多公园、海滩、高尔夫球场和一个备受尊重的社区剧场。The area has many parks, beaches, golf courses, and a well respected community playhouse.

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北京剧场是在中国首都推出全英文剧演出的一家私人剧院。Beijing playhouse a private theatre presents english language performances in china's capital.

这吸引了弗罗斯特的注意力,很有趣吧,让他注意到了这房子是这家人的一部分。And, yet, Frost's attention is drawn, interestingly, to a playhouse that is part of that household.

凯撒勒2008年去世,山达基和比弗利山庄剧场的关系不再。Katselas died in 2008, and Scientology no longer has a connection with the Beverly Hills Playhouse.

其它可再生材料用做房屋和游乐室的室内装饰配件。Other recycled materials were used to make the decorations and accessories around the house and playhouse.

从装饰性的大门进入豪宅,沿着一条蜿蜒的车道前行,经过一个带有观球台和儿童游戏室的网球场。A decorative gate yields to a winding road that passes a tennis court with viewing gazebo and small playhouse.

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谨代表北京剧场所有的演员和工作人员,向你们至以最衷心的感谢。Most of all, on behalf of the cast and crew of Beijing Playhouse , our thanks to patrons of the arts like you.

华轩剧社即欢迎优秀的专业人才,同时也热忱的邀请非专业、对戏剧事业抱有浓厚兴趣的爱好者们的加入。Cathay Playhouse welcomes talents and professionals, as well as non-professionals with passion and interests for stage play.

北京中英百老汇得到了北京的讲英文人士的支持-包括所有的主要英文杂志。Beijing Playhouse has the support of the English speaking Beijing community—including all of the major English language magazines.