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恐怕不能,克罗夫特先生。I´m afraid that he can´t, Mr. Croft.

你的朋友和家人是怎样看待你这位劳拉·克劳馥的?。What do your friends and family think of you as Lara Croft ?

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“你也许还没听说他结婚了吧?”克罗夫特夫人接着说道。"Perhaps you may not have heard that he is married?" added Mrs Croft.

克洛夫特和工兵爆破排的一个士官走了出来。Croft and a sergeant from the pioneer and demolition platoon stepped up.

克洛夫特凭着指南针目测了一下预定的行进方向。Croft took a sight with his compass in the direction he wanted to travel.

劳拉和她的轰动为后来的女性游戏角色铺好了道路。Lara Croft and her blockbuster franchise paved the way for female game characters.

那末这些小小猪作为宠物的引人之处到底在哪儿呢?“大伙喜欢他们,不光是他们的小脸说不出的逗人喜爱。So what is the appeal of a teeny tiny piggie for a pet? 'People love them, ' says Croft. 'Not.

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克罗夫特同样替换星克莱上场并马上让德尔奥尔诺吃到了黄牌。Croft also replaced Sinclair and immediately drew a booking out of Del Horno who dived in late.

克罗夫特太太听得津津有味,她不说话则已,一说话总是非常富有理智。Mrs. Croft was ATtending with greAT good-humour, and whenever she spoke AT all, it was very sensibly.

您也可以发挥与定制服装在馥庄园如果进入拉拉的卧室和改变服装的衣柜。You can also play with custom outfit in Croft Manor if you go into Lara's bedroom and change the outfit in the wardrobe.

在她的母亲去世之后,劳拉由她的父亲——考古学家英国阿宾顿伯爵抚养和指导。After the death of her mother, Lara Croft is raised and mentored by her archaeologist father, Britain's Earl of Abbington.

您已经解锁了一套新的装束,您可以到克劳馥庄园劳拉的卧室或者由主菜单选择读取重玩关卡去试穿一番。You have unlocked a new Outfit, to try it out go to Lara's Bedroom in Croft Manor or select Load Level from the Main Menu.

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其中的劳拉·克罗夫特这个人物来自一个流行的电脑游戏,是综合了印第安纳·琼斯和詹姆斯·邦德两人素质的一位女性。The Croft character was drawn from a popular video game. Lara Croft was a female cross between Indiana Jones and James Bond.

支持LDDM并不代表您的机器能运行新的Aero用户界面。Support for LDDM doesn't insure that PCs will be able to run Aero, Microsoft's next-generation Longhorn user interface, Croft noted.

特洛伊木马是在邮递重视电子邮件存档HTML格式的主题“热游戏”和正文中声称一些安吉丽娜朱莉或古墓丽影脱衣服游戏。Trojan is attached in zip archive to emails in HTML format with subject "Hot game" and body text that claims some Angelina Jolie or Lara Croft undressing game.

因电影“暮光之城”、“新月”、“月食”和“夏日月光”而为人所知的23岁美国演员阿什丽,有非常大的机会成为劳拉。Know from the Movies "Twilight", "New Moon", "Eclipse" and "Summer's Blood", the 23 years old American actress, Ashley is sure to be a great choice to be a Lara Croft.

每位参赛者都必须提供女主角高清晰度的迷人照片,并附上她们的出生日期和足以让电脑游戏里的大胸女英雄劳拉·克劳福特脸红的三围数字。Each of the contestants had to provide glamorous shots of hi-resolution divas, complete with date of birth and body measurements to make busty video game heroine Lara Croft blush.

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克罗夫特夫人待她总是和和气气的,使她愉快地感到自己很受喜爱。眼下这次,她在大厦里接待她,更是关怀备至。Mrs Croft always met her with a kindness which gave her the pleasure of fancying herself a favourite, and on the present occasion, receiving her in that house, there was particular attention.