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您是司令官吗?You are the commander?

ERD简直是天堂给我们的。ERD Commander is heaven sent.

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他是炮兵连一个很不错的指挥官。He was an okay battery commander.

为什么指挥官杰克·菲斯科被杀害了?Why is Commander Jack Fisk killed?

徐大荣对司令官充满感激。Xu Darong to appreciate commander.

我知道碇司令在利用我。I know Commander Ikari is using me.

他是远征队的指挥官。He is the commander of an expedition.

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我竞选是要当美国军队总司令!I'm running to be commander in chief!

凯站到了司令面前。Kiah stood in front of the Commander.

指挥员派一支侦察队到前面去。The commander sent a company forward.

关东军指挥官植田谦吉?Kwantung army commander Kenkichi Ueda?

司令员也保不了他。The commander also cannot protect him.

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指挥官正在测试他的士兵。The commander is testing his soldiers.

分队长先示范了一遍。His commander demonstrated again first.

在海军中,上校的军衔高于中校。A captain ranks a commander in the navy.

连长大声地发出命令。The company commander yelled out orders.

连长高声发布命令。The company commander roared his command.

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连长大声发布命令。The company commander shouted his orders.

我们的特遣队的队长就是一名F-16飞行员。Our detachment commander is an F-16 pilot.

在海军中,舰长职位高于指挥官。In the navy, a captain is above a commander.