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一个明显的长大衣。A distinctly long coat.

老师能清晰地发音。The teacher pronounces distinctly.

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它的胸部明显地呈球形。It has a distinctly globular thorax.

在所有孩子中他念得最清楚。Of all the boys he reads most distinctly.

明显过长的被毛属于失格。A distinctly long coat is a disqualification.

这里冷得很,看也看不清。But it is cold here. One cannot see distinctly.

这些词的词尾都要读清楚。Read the endings of all these words distinctly.

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这看起来是平淡无奇的景色。That may seem a distinctly unromantic prospect.

非盟明显比以前的非统表现地更好。The AU has done distinctly better than the OAU.

合唱团有些地方明显走调了。The choir was distinctly out of tune in places.

但是,毕竟这场战争显然是一场热战。But this one is, after all, distinctly a hot war.

事实上,他正在变成显然尽是杂草-和多种子的。In fact, he is becoming distinctly weedy—and seedy.

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显然他那些小孩般的抱怨也不讨人喜欢。And the brattish whining is distinctly unattractive.

作为一个作家,他的兴趣显然是研究古物。His interest as a writer was distinctly antiquarian.

那确实是只手,正抵着我的皮肤。It was distinctly a hand, and right against my skin.

这是大流行期间常见的显著现象。This phenomenon is distinctly seen during pandemics.

我很迷恋那些带有明显同质化的东西。I'm obsessed with things that are distinctly analogue.

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榛睡鼠与其它动物有着截然不同的生命道路The Hazel Dormouse has a distinctly different way of life

萼裂片3,长不及宽,边缘明显具牙齿。Calyx lobes 3, wider than long, margin distinctly dentate.

衬托着人像背后的斑驳墙垣上,一个很大的圆圈,轮廓分明。There was distinctly a big round hole in the mottled wall.