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那是她从前的窗。That was once her casement.

可有谁见过她站在窗后?Or at the casement seen her stand?

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请抬头上望,窗扇已被闯破了脸。Look up and see the casement broken in.

真正的月亮透过窗扉撒下光芒。The real moon shone through the casement window.

青灯照壁人初睡,冷雨敲门被未温。Cold rain pelts the casement and her quilt is chill.

为了使她平静下来,我就将窗子打开了几秒钟。To pacify her, I held the casement ajar a few seconds.

我曾在我房屋的窗户内,从我窗棂之间,往外观看。For at the window of my house I looked through my casement

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竖铰链窗是一种用边上的铰链开启的窗户。A casement is a window that opens by means of hinges at the side.

让我们在两个最流行的单位,仔细看看,在窗户和双悬窗。For at the window of my house I looked through my casement , mmkey. net.

本实用新型涉及一种平开门开关门机。The utility model relates to a casement door opening and closing machine.

在试图挽救凯斯门特的生命,多伊尔称凯斯门特是疯了。In an attempt to save Casement's life, Doyle claimed that Casement was mad.

雨差不多停了,她按照他手势的意思把窗户打开。The rain had nearly ceased, and she opened the casement in obedience to his gesture.

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该机用于铝门窗角码下料,并可用于塑料型材的切割下料。This machine applies to the baiting of casement profile for aluminum door and window.

使用了先进的木纹热转印技术,让金属材质的窗扇具备了逼真实木外观。Use of advanced technology, hot metal wood material with lifelike appearance wood casement.

让我们在两个最流行的单位,仔细看看,在窗户和双悬窗。Let's take a closer look at the two most popular units , the casement and double hung window.

能够有多种组合,并且能在幕墙上安装推拉窗、平开窗等。It has many combinations and can install sliding windows and casement windows on the curtain wall.

凯蒂从客厅的窗户那儿进来了,一点声音也没有就溜到我正等着她的地方。Cathy entered by the casement window of the drawing-room, and glided noiselessly up to where I awaited her.

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采用滑撑的上悬外开窗能轻松控制通风量,可将窗扇固定在您想要的位置。Using sliding hold top-hung outward window can easily control can be ventilation, casement fixed in the position you want.

学习以诚为贵,做人以诚为贵,诚信使世界蜕下了它厚厚的外壳,使心灵的窗扉开启。Sincerity for your learning, your life with sincerity, integrity of the world exuviate its thick shell, so that the casement open mind.

外平开窗用摩擦铰链代替了传统的窗合页,这样使用者可在窗开启时方便的清洁玻璃。In casement system, adopt friction hinge instead of old window hinge, which makes user can easily clean the glass when the window is open.