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我一学就会。I'm a fast learner.

托比,这是马丁?勒纳。?。Tobi, this is Martin Learner.

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什麽是终生学习者?III. What is a lifelong learner?

一个聪明的学习者——与自信态度。A quick learner with can-do attitude.

因为他们都是理发师学徒。because these are learner hairdressers.

将其与成年学习者对比。Now let's compare that to the adult learner.

那么,能学好一种新语言的人都是怎么学的呢?But what does a successful language learner do?

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他学东西很快。我得花四小时来念。He's a fast learner. I need four hours to study.

我学得很快。会有任何培训课程吗?。I'm a quick learner. Will I receive any training?

不要剥夺学习者们思考的机会!Don't rob the learner of the opportunity to think!

每个英语初学者都特想知道答案。Every English learner is eager to know the answer.

90年代末,我国的第一个学习者语料库CLEC问世。A learner corpus CLEC was born by the end of 1990s.

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好学者永远有主题可攻。No learner has ever run short of subjects to explore.

想办法找出把英文学得更好的方法。I try to find out how to be a better learner of English.

而且,作为一个运动员,我相信你会学得很快。Plus, as an athlete, I'm sure you'll be a quick learner.

回家路上二我一直开在一名初学驾驶者后面。That car's being driven by a learner, ie a learner driver.

一个和我一样刚学车的人把我的车撞了,把所有的车前灯都有撞坏了。A fellow learner hit my car and smashed all the headlights.

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你将变成一个好学习者。Follow these tips, and you will become a good learner. 033.

诵读困难者无法自己对这一信息进行加工。The dyslexic learner cannot process this information alone.

要达到学习者自主性的最终目标非一日之功。The goal of learner autonomy cannot be reached in one step.