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罚球区是失球的主要区域。The penalty area was the main fumble area.

我们都知道人们善于摸索着前进。We all know that people fumble along the way.

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他笨手笨脚地走向她的车,摸索着她的车门。He puttered to her car and fumble for her car door.

如何利用它,工匠与文人一同摸索。How to use it, craftsman and bookman fumble together.

我年纪大了,说话总是笨嘴拙舌地,而不能流利地表达。I am old that I always fumble the words instead of speaking fluently?

李万枝用另外一只手左摸右掏的总算把手机拿了出来,但是没有信号。With her free hand, Li managed to fumble it out, but there was no signal.

如果你没有确定你想要的是什么,你就开始犹豫并怀疑你自己。If you’re unsure of what you want, you start to fumble and doubt yourself.

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李女士用另一只空闲的手,几经周折终于取出了手机,然而没有信号。With her free hand, Ms. Li managed to fumble it out, but there was no signal.

这让梅德韦杰夫,远不如一个灵活的修辞学家,摸索一个解释。That left Medvedev, a far less nimble rhetorician, to fumble for an explanation.

由于你没有或者几乎没有相关的经验,难怪你开始做时就会笨手笨脚的。With little or no previous experience, it is no wonder that you start to fumble.

我特别注意到在吃饭的时候,我需要摸来摸去知道我能拿起盘子。I especially notice this when eating — I sometimes fumble the utensils as I pick them up.

它相当于美国涉及的第二大电池技术摸索。It amounts to the second big battery technology fumble the United States has been involved with.

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有一段时间,我在黑暗中摸索准备重新上路时,忘了自己的运动员号码。On one stage, in the fumble around in darkness before the run began, I forgot my running number.

我摸索着把它拿过来,用手电筒照,可它滑落到地上,我就把它捡起,放到光线旁。I fumble for my flashlight, but it falls to the floor and goes out. I find it and pull at the switch.

“演员可以说错台词,”克莱伦斯·丹诺曾写道,“但律师必须字字正确。”“An actor may fumble his lines,” Clarence Darrow once wrote, “but a lawyer needs to be letter-perfect.”

其他的历史家都有些眼花神迷,也就不免在眩惑中摸索。All the other historians suffer from being somewhat dazzled, and in this dazzled state they fumble about.

他将不知道怎么回答,他将支支吾吾,这样他就会在众人面前露馅。He would not know how to answer them, He would fumble and thus He would be exposed to the crowd as an imposter.

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没有人希望看到你为了找到要向大家解释的图,而在文件目录中苦苦搜寻。Nobody wants to see you fumble your way through your file system for that diagram you were supposed to explain.

门把手能够扫描指纹或是四位数字代码,省得你掏钥匙了。Door handles can open with scanned fingerprints or a four-digit code, eliminating the need to fumble for house keys.

阿肯色队开球攻向德克萨斯队,第一次进攻就形成了对方的失球,不到一分半钟便得分。Arkansas kicked off to Texas, forced a fumble on the first possession, and scored less than a minute and a half into the game.