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人生即是一段艰难曲折的旅程。Life is but a hard and tortuous journey.

但谈判还是转弯抹角地拖了很久。But the negotiations proved long and tortuous.

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而歼-15有更曲折的历史。The J-15 has followed an even more tortuous route.

还发现不少波浪形扭曲的髓质动脉。Wavy, tortuous medullary arteries can be also found.

克隆多莉是一个长期而曲折的过程。The cloning of Dolly was a long and tortuous process.

他们步行穿过老城区中心弯弯曲曲的街道。They walked through the tortuous streets of the old city.

前途是光明的,但今后的道路将是曲折的。The future is bright, but the path ahead will be tortuous.

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中国的奥林匹克之路经过了艰难曲折的历程。China's Olympic road after a difficult and tortuous process.

提出世界的和平与发展是在曲折中前进的见解。The process of peace and development of the world is tortuous.

资本主义生产关系在中国的命运是多舛的。The fate of capitalist production relations in China is tortuous.

月儿弯弯挂树梢,好像一把小镰刀。The tortuous moon is hanging on the treetop, likes a little sickle.

月儿弯弯挂树梢,好像一把小镰刀。The tortuous moon is hanging on the treetop , likes a little sickle.

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一个比一个重,像小时,您在老家弯曲的山道上。One heavier than another, like hours, on hometown tortuous mountain roads.

刑事责任与侵权责任竞合在实践中经常发生。Criminal responsibility and tortuous liability often coincides in practice.

心脏呈主动脉型,主动脉曲屈延长。The heart appeared to be of aortic type with a tortuous and prolonged aorta.

固城河纵贯全境,河道斗折蛇行,迂回曲折。Longitudinalcheng he solid throughout, folding fighting snake river, tortuous.

盐城天然气藏的发现经历曲折,给人启示。The discovery of Yancheng natural gas accumulation is tortuous and enlightening.

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同时,中国也走过了艰难曲折的发展道路。China has also travelled a tortuous and difficult path in the course of development.

这中间的曲折磨难,顺畅快乐便是你的命运。This is your destiny whatever life holds for you , tortuous or deal, smoothy or joyful.

中苏论战对中国社会主义建设道路的曲折发展有著直接的因果关系。Sino-Soviet debate directly affected Chinese socialist construction and made it tortuous.