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这种类型的搬运称为河底滚沙。This type of transport is called saltation.

可能我的思想跳跃太快了!My thought saltation has been possibly very quick!

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小波变换模的极值点常对应于信号突变点。Usually, wavelet transform module maximum accords with saltation points.

黑木耳多糖还有抗肝炎和抗突变作用。Jew's-ear amylase also has the function of anti hepatitis and anti saltation.

表面爬行和跳跃之间的差别是渐变的,它很难划一条固定分界线。The differences between surface creep and saltation are gradual and it to draw a fixed line.

情感性与审美性是舞蹈最基本、最突出的两个特点。The sensibility and the tasting are two basics and outstanding characteristics of saltation.

实验结果表明,该算法明显降低了图像相关度突变的现象。Experiment results show that the new algorithm significantly reduces the saltation of correlative degree.

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因此,在思维上表现出具体性、发散性和跳跃性,而这正是创造性思维的特质。Therefore, materiality, divergence and saltation in thinking, the key qualities of creative thinking, are manifest.

突变分析表明,豫西烟区烤烟生育期的日照时数在1981年发生突变。Mutation analysis showed that the saltation of sunshine durations at tobacco growth period in western Henan occurred in 1981.

演化发展有其进化及突变的阶段性,诸如在自我人体、社会、价值观念。The development of the human being has its many stages of evolution and saltation , such as self-human body, society, values.

若能从电弧电压信号中提取出拐点发生时突变的信息,则可望提取到缩颈发生的特征信息。If this arc voltage saltation information can be extracted, we will get the characteristic information of necking down formation.

根据数值模拟和模拟实验,我们认为有风沙运动的动床剪切风速是综合反映风场与跃移层以及地表之间相互作用的物理量。It is suggested that the wind shear velocity with a saltating cloud reflects the response of airflow to the ground surface and the saltation layer.

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选取频率突变和幅值突变仿真故障数据,分别采用小波分解和数字滤波的方法进行处理。Frequency saltation and scope saltation are chosen to simulate the fault signal, which is processed with the algorithm of wavelet and digital filter.

结果表明,计算风速廓线与实测风速廓线吻合得比较好,在半对数图上均为上凸的曲线,有别于无风沙运动时的直线。It is revealed that the wind profiles with saltation cloud are up-convex curves on the log-linear plot rather than the straight lines of the clean wind.

详细介绍了一维情况下灰度形态变换、形态学算子构造的滤波器和提取暂态突变特征等。The grey morphology transform, filter construction and transient saltation extraction with mathematical morphology operators in one dimension are introduced in detail.

而在复杂断裂区.常规时间偏移处理效果往往不好,这主要是由横向速度突变引起。In complicated fault areas, however, the effect of conventional time migration processing was poor, which was mainly caused by the big saltation of transverse velocities.

在黄土的概率累计曲线上,跃进组分和悬移组分反映明显,并以悬移组分为主。On the cumulative curve of grain size distribution in Ganzi Loess of logarithmically probability graph paper, saltation mass and suspension are obvious, and the later is principal.

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方法根据小波变换过零点和信号突变点之间的关系,分别运用小波变换过零点表征检测脉象时域特征点和各特征点脉搏信号变化的快慢。Method The time-domain characteristic point and change of signal saltation edge of pulse signal were examined, according to the relationship between wavelet zero-crossing and signal saltation edge.

文章分析了沙粒两种起动的不同性质,首次把流体起动界定为风蚀性起动,把跃移质冲击起动界定为置换性起动。In this paper, the properties of two starts of sand particles were analyzed, the fluid start was defined as wind erosion start and impact start of saltation as substitution start for the first time.

拜格诺用严格的物理实验证明,尘粒能随风远走高飞,而沙粒却只能在地面附近跳跃前进。A rigorous physical test performed by Bagnold proved that dust can fly up to 3000m high over great distances with wind, while sand grains can move at most by means of saltation near the land surface.