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我应该到屋顶上吗?Should I go up to the rooftop?

然后它从屋顶一跃而下。It then jumped off the rooftop.

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我可以停留在楼顶吗?Can I keep staying on the rooftop?

屋顶的瓦是细工排列的。The rooftop tiles are arranged with precision.

在屋顶上还有一个游泳池。And it also has a swimming pool on the rooftop.

彩缤纷旗屋顶飘扬。Multi-colored flags were flying over the rooftop.

但是,天台逃生舱口出现了最坏的情况。But rooftop escape hatches address worst-case scenarios.

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伊斯兰式的尖塔倒塌在清真寺的楼顶。A minaret lays crumbled on the rooftop of the local mosque.

香港教授吉姆郗迂嗯的实验屋顶花园。Hong Kong professor Jim Chi Yung's experimental rooftop garden.

说明屋顶空调机的操作方法。Discribe the operation of a rooftop package unit air conditioner.

我从这座建筑的天台上亲眼目睹了这一切。I witnessed this with my own eyes from the rooftop of a building.

设有一个屋顶海水游泳池,并提供免费无线网络连接。It is 600 metres from Salón Beach, and has a rooftop swimming pool.

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这样形成的冰、雪和水可以导致屋顶遭受严重的破坏。The built-up ice, snow and water can lead to serious rooftop damage.

而且,随着时间的流逝,所有屋顶的瓦片又将慢慢变成同样的颜色。And, with time, all of the rooftop tiles will fade to the same color.

印度的工人们收集华丽色彩的布料――纱丽,在屋顶晒衣绳凉晒。Workers collect colorful laundry from a rooftop clothesline in India.

此外,客人可以享受阳光的阳台日光浴。Additionally, guests can soak up the sun on the rooftop terrace solarium.

整个套房由带有海水游泳池的天台环绕。It is crowned by a rooftop terrace with an outdoor saltwater swimming pool.

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想像一下,地球上每四个人用一个屋顶光伏系统。Think of that as one rooftop PV system for every four people on the planet.

宫城县气仙沼港口的民众都撤离到了屋顶。People evacuated to a rooftop at the port in Kesennuma in Miyagi prefecture.

购物的人们把宝马停在玻璃办公塔和屋顶酒店水池下面。Shoppers park their BMWs below glass office towers and a rooftop hotel pool.