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这是野蛮的,快行动,未来的运动。This is brutal, fast-action, futuristic sports.

未来天际线是这座城市最主要的电影地标。The futuristic skyline is the city's top film landmark.

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来自MACKDADDY的新式未来主义太阳镜。New-age futuristic “Line” sunglasses design from MACKDADDY.

所以我觉得任何有价值的东西对我的未来休闲游?。So did I find anything of value on my futuristic escapade ?

我们逼着他吐露很多关于他的下一个未来派游戏。So we cornered him to get more on his next futuristic wargame.

当然,未来派的火焰效果或其他的看上去有一种邪恶的美感。So sure, that futuristic flame effect or whatever looks wicked cool.

但是,这些展望未来的影像成为现实的机会有多大哪?But what are the chances of these futuristic images becoming reality?

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食客在上海的一家餐馆里用餐,餐馆的外廊装饰有未来气息。People eat inside the futuristic indoor patio of a restaurant in Shanghai.

它由一种叫做水状胶质的新型材料做成。That's because they are made of a futuristic material called hydrocolloid.

宝马正致力于应用碳纤维研发两款未来车型,这两款车计划于2013年发布。BMW is using carbon fiber in two futuristic cars it is introducing in 2013.

流行型的汽车看起来就像一只未来主义的蛋,悬浮在四只小轮子上。The aerodynamic car looks like a futuristic egg suspended on four small wheels.

一份详细的,时尚的界面,你将有一个高清晰度未来的预测。With a detailed and stylish interface, you'll have a high-res futuristic forecast.

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2008年,他又写了手工创造的世界,这是一本关于美国post-oil的未来派小说。And in 2008 he wrote World Made by Hand, a futuristic novel about post-oil America.

这部未来风格的跑车是一部氢动力零排放燃料电池超级汽车。The futuristic sports car is a hydrogen-powered, zero emission, fuel-celled supercar.

如果需要几十年的社会赶上了他的未来愿景,那就这样吧。If it takes a few years for society to catch up with his futuristic visions, so be it.

所以,电动汽车或混合动力车的未来是多么的虚无缥缈。Which is why the electric or hybrid cars of the future may sound so, well, futuristic.

德罗恩工厂本意是想打造三万辆具有未来主义外形的汽车。The Delorean factory was supposed to crank out 30, 000 of these futuristic looking cars.

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这篇文章为您提供了很多意见的未来城市璀灿的灵感。This post presents you with many views of futuristic city skylines for your inspiration.

在图的是象棋里的红色车棋子,我把红色车棋子设计为未来科幻和水蒸汽式的机械人战车。Here, I portrait the red chess chariot with a steam punk with bit futuristic robot style.

什么使得奥迪R8一套有别于其他中置引擎外来的未来期待它。What makes the R8 set apart from other mid- engined exotics is the futuristic look to it.