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银原子在玻璃中成核并生长成纳米颗粒。The Ag atoms nucleate and grow into nanoparticles.

贝氏体铁素体在贫碳的奥氏体中形核。Bainitic ferrites nucleate in carbon-poor austenite.

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在透明的ITO玻璃上进行了R113的核态沸腾实验。R113 nucleate boiling experiment was conducted on a transparent ITO glass.

三元合金熔体在室温冷却过程中,准晶相直接从液相形核、长大。The I-phases directly nucleate and grow from melt of cooling Mg-Zn-Y ternary alloys.

该模型认为环状流区域同时存在强制对流与核态沸腾两种换热方式。The model assumes that forced convection and nucleate boiling coexist in the annular flow regime.

原位观察证实贝氏体于溶质原子贫化区切变形核。In situ observation of TEM indicates that bainite nucleate by shear in solute atom's depleted regions.

纳米级微裂纹可以在主裂纹顶端连接形核扩展,也可以在无位错区中形核、扩展。A microcrack might nucleate at the crack tip and propagate ahead perpendicular to the laminar structure.

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在地面常重力和落塔短时微重力实验中,观测到核态沸腾和双模态过渡沸腾现象。Nucleate and two-mode transition boiling were observed during the experiments in both normal gravity and microgravity.

依靠随机涨落,形成贫碳区,贝氏体铁素体在贫碳的奥氏体中形核。Carbon-poor area forms by way of random fluctuation and carbon atom diffusion. Bainitic ferrites nucleate in carbon-poor austenite.

模型可适当地说明于核沸腾与模沸腾间逐渐转换、及不连续跳跃之转移现象。Both gradual transition and sudden jumps between nucleate boiling and film boiling are properly interpreted in a mechanistic manner.

依靠随机涨落,形成贫碳区,贝氏体铁素体在贫碳的奥氏体中形核。Carbon-poor area forms by means of random fluctuation and carbon atom diffusion. Bainitic ferrites nucleate in carbon-poor austenite.

通过对湿蒸汽流动过程的分析,以经典成核理论为基础,对平面叶栅中的湿蒸汽流动进行了模拟。Through analyzing the process of wet-steam flow, basis on the classical nucleate theory, simulated the wet-steam flow in the plane cascade.

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以水和正己烷作为介质,考察了通入空气对内管加热的竖直圆柱形环隙内的沸腾传热性能的影响。Heat transfer of nucleate boiling of water and n-hexane in a vertical cylindrical annulus with inner side heated has been experimentally investigated.

并在实验基础上拟合了管束核态沸腾平均换热系数计算公式,分析了两种机制对换热的影响。The correlation of nucleate boiling on tube bundle is put forward on the basis of experiments, and the influence on boiling heat transfer is analysed.

对于A-A界面,上贝氏体及魏氏组织铁素体优先形核于A晶界外凸的内侧。For the A-A boundary, the upper bainite and Widmanstatten structure nucleate predomi-natly at the inside of bulgy boundaries'of super cooled austenite.

提出了一种基于沸腾表面微结构分析的预测核态沸腾中汽化核心密度的方法。A method has been presented to predict the nucleation site density in nucleate boiling based on the investigation of the microstructure of boiling surface.

本文提出了一种新的基于沸腾壁面微结构分析的预测核态池沸腾中汽化核心密度的方法。A new method has been presented to predict the nucleation site density in nucleate pool boiling based on the investigation of the microstructure of boiling surface.

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提出由蒸汽膜阶段向膜沸腾阶段转变的过程中,存在重湿润过程,重湿润过程影响淬火冷却的均匀性和淬火硬度的均匀性。From vapor blanked stage to the nucleate boiling stage, there exists repeated moisture, which influences the conformity of the quench cooling process and quench hardness.

实验结果表明,沸腾时,“界面汽化热阱”效应随热流率的提高而显著增大。The experimental results show that in the pool nucleate boiling process the "effect of interfacial vaporization heat sink" obviously increases with the heat transfer flux.

根据实验所得沸腾曲线,对纳米颗粒悬浮液进行稳态数值模拟,计算了不同过热度下活化核心的密度。A steady numerical simulation of the effect of nano-particles on nucleation sites in nucleate pool boiling heat transfer was conducted based on the experimental boiling curves.