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还会沮丧消沉We get depressed.

她的去世使他意志消沈。Her death depressed him.

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我近来精神萎靡不振。I've been depressed lately.

为什麽人们得到压下?。Why do people get depressed ?

女佣看起来很沮丧。The charwoman looked depressed.

我在工作中感到厌烦和沮丧。I'm bored and depressed at work.

微笑使颓唐的人得到鼓励。A smile encourages the depressed.

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那个年轻人还是愁容满面。The young man was still depressed.

那个坏消息使他情绪低沉。The bad news depressed his spirits.

你只是颓丧和害怕。Youhare just depressed. And scared.

他的脸郁闷而颓丧。His face looked depressed and weary.

我这几天来都很沮丧。I have been depressed for some days.

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皮肤苍白、情绪低落的女士们当心了!Pale-skinned, depressed ladies beware!

战后商业相当不景气。Business was rather depressed after war.

你感觉情绪低落有多久了?How long have you been feeling depressed?

最近的大量邮件使他情绪低沉。The recent mail influx had depressed him.

我心情郁闷时就大嚼巧克力为乐。When i'm depressed i binges on chocolate.

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士兵把枪口放低。The soldier depressed the muzzle of a gun.

这些天来,义乌市情绪消沉。These days, the mood in Yiwu is depressed.

在你抑郁的时候,我就是你的开心果。I will make you happy when you are depressed.