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就是他这九个月的见习期。The period of being a novice.

一个驯狮新手正在接受采访。A novice lion tamer was interviewed.

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一位驯狮新手正在接受采访。A novice lion tamer was being interviewed.

对于工作一点不含糊,可是对于恋爱完全是低能儿。She's a professional in work but a novice in love.

傻瓜式操作,新手朋友的唯一选择!Fool-style operation, the only choice for novice friend!

在一间孤立的小屋里,住著一位老僧侣和他年轻的徒弟。In a lonely hut lives an old monk with his young novice.

“难道也存在于手持式的计算嚣里?”,初学者问。"Is the Tao in a hand-held calculator?" asked the novice.

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对新手而然,绝对是一个比较好的入门介绍。However, the novice and is definitely a good introduction to.

八天后,小沙弥回来了!Eight day later, who should show up but the little novice monk!

山上有座小庙,庙里有个沙弥。The mountains are a small temple, the temple has a novice monk.

八天后,小沙弥回来了!Eight day later, who should show up but the little novice monk!

这也是新手操作洒水车常常会遇到的问题。This is a novice operating sprinkler often encountered problems.

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这个早晨,华格纳为新成员安排任务。This morning Wagner organized the novice recruits with dispatch.

相对于新手用户来说,它更适合于有经验的内行用户。It is better suited for experienced professionals than novice users.

红牛斯柯达车队的小赫尔曼·加斯纳则是雅典卫城拉力赛的新手。Red Bull Skoda driver Hermann Gassner Jr is an Acropolis Rally novice.

弌个初学者被要求编写弌个财务软閒。A novice programmer was once assigned to code a simple financial package.

海伦是好莱坞银屏的新人,她刚刚和卡门交上朋友。Helen is a novice to the Hollywood scene and has just be friended Carmen.

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因此,新手需要频繁迅速的成就感和有规律的反馈。Because of this the novice wants frequent quick wins and regular feedback.

你刚学会开车,咱们绕开环形交叉路走。You are a novice car driver. Let's steer clear of the circular cross road.

欧元区大家庭喜添“新丁”却难掩时下欧元之困。Hi Tim euro family "novice" but conceal the difficulties the euro nowadays.