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变成一个漫画家。Become a caricature artist.

但这是只卡通版的指示犬。But this was a caricature of the breed.

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这是孔子孔子印象的漫画版。This was the caricature version of Confucius.

而现在,我不想讽刺弗洛依德。And now, I don't want to caricature Freudians.

我无意在此讽刺精神分析的支持者们。And now, I don't want to caricature Freudians.

他的语言是尖刻的,那毫无疑问,但是,绝不沦为粗劣的歪曲的讽刺。He is cutting, of course, but never slips into crude caricature.

这些在线漫画已经培育了一大群忠实的年轻读者。These online caricature had bred one swarm dutiful young reader.

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有人说我疯了,一个南方小丑在捞政治本钱。Some people say I'm crazy, southern caricature seeking higher office.

一位艺术家在班加西的墙上绘制了一幅讽刺卡扎菲的漫画。An artist paints a caricature of Muammar Gaddafi on a wall in Benghazi.

放纵的,不食人间烟火的法官是一个保守的漫画的原型。The indulgent, other-worldly judge is an archetype of conservative caricature.

被描画的皮肤柔顺地使模特的身体融入到二维的画作中去。Painted skin perceptually dissolves the body into a two dimensional caricature.

这个“共同所有权”的比喻当然是真正主权的模仿。This metaphor of 'co-ownership' is, of course, a caricature of true sovereignty.

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你们共同能够把一个人或者一种情况给图形化。And together you can build-up a photo-fit or caricature of a person or situation.

一般会是漫画或者某种怪诞的形象,没人要求非要用真人像。It is supposed to be a caricature or a bizarre fantasy figure, not a real picture of you.

此后他的世界充满宁静,漫画成为小陈唯一的伙伴。His world is full of after this halcyon, caricature becomes Xiaochen's exclusive associate.

另一个被讽刺的人物是右边的以色列国防军总参谋长哈鲁兹。The caricature portrayed on the right is Israeli military chief Lieutenant-General Dan Halutz.

1866年,日本还是个中世纪民族,宛如一幅极其浪漫的封建制度的荒诞漫画。In 1866 she was a mediaeval people, a fantastic caricature of the extremest romantic feudalism.

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他常在他的课本里发现歌曲的题材,也常在教师们的身上发现漫画的形象。In his lectures he espied subjects for ballads , and in his professors occasions for caricature.

倘若她是个厉害苛刻的女人,她便早已用她那长于漫画的铁笔,把全郡都治得服服贴贴了。Had she been an uncharitable woman she could have ruled the county with an iron rod of caricature.

所以我们在风云榜中经常可以看到这些漫画的关键词。So we often can see the keyword of these caricature in a list of names posted up of wind and cloud.