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段落前缩进还是空行?Indentation or Space After a Paragraph?

在每一层缩进上用4个空格。Use 4 spaces for each level of indentation.

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本块的最小行缩进是多少?What is the minimum line indentation of a block?

有在房间的远墙壁上的一个大的压痕。There was a large indentation on the far wall of the room.

该机保留原有压痕机的所有功能。The machine has original indentation machine's all functions.

用手指在每个球团中央按一个坑。Using your fingers, make an indentation in the center of each.

YAML的结构,通过缩进显示快写。YAML shows structure through indentation and is fast to write.

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由压痕法测得的膜的硬度。The hardness of the films was measured by an indentation method.

调整凹模和凸模之间的间隙,即可改变压痕的深浅。Adjust the die and mould penetrated the changing indentation descend.

例如,在您生成代码以后,代码缩进格式会被保存下来。For example, after you generate the code, the indentation is preserved.

这就意味着迅速咬一下真正的黄金,会留下牙印。This means a quick gnaw to real gold would actually leave an indentation.

研究有助于揭示纳米压痕硬度尺寸效应的起源。This study will help to explore the origin of the indentation size effect.

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因此,该示例的输出将不包含任何换行或缩进。Thus, the output from this example will not have line breaks or indentation.

爆炸把地上炸出了一个10米深的洞。There was an explosion which left an indentation 10 metres deep in the ground.

应该是,我加一点儿缩进好让我们能看到它。Palindrome 1 I'm going to give it a little indentation so that we can see this. OK.

通过缩进你可以看出,那些行是相互关联的。The indentation gives you a visual cue as to which lines are related to each other.

这样的层次可以通过特殊的字符序列或者缩进来表示。Such a hierarchy may be expressed through special character sequences or indentation.

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有时甚至包含在文档中的缩进都被认为是多余。Sometimes even the indentation included inside the documents is considered superfluous.

在模切的过程中很多时候是和压痕一起进行的,这决定于模切版。In the course of this machine is very often, and the indentation , which decided to die.

用洛氏硬度压痕法估计了膜与基底的结合力。The adhesion of the diamond film to the inserts was evaluated using RH indentation method.