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可使用描图纸画。Tracing paper may be used.

他知道他们正在追踪他。He knew they were tracing him.

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白头海雕饮食历史回溯Tracing Bald Eagles' Historic Diets

溯溪前和溯溪后看到的太阳。Suns seen before and after the tracing.

WebService调用跟踪和检查WebService calls tracing and inspection

把白色的描图纸放在面料上。White tracing paper should be used on fabric.

对于本练习,您不需要启用信息跟踪。For this exercise, you will not enable tracing.

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有效地追踪溯源和控制传染源。H7 for infectious resource tracing and control.

单步执行官方命名为跟踪。Single-stepping is the official name of tracing.

紫花地丁抗菌活性部位追踪。Tracing antibacterial active site of V. yedoensis.

执行润滑计划并跟踪设备改造项目。Implement the lubrication plan and CRR tracing etc.

第一章是对启蒙溯源的梳理。The first chapter is to initiation tracing combing.

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然后去查找问题来源,可能会很困难。And tracing back where it came from can be really hard.

跟踪也是由服务器管理员控制的。Tracing is also controlled by the server administrator.

品牌物件寻迹、追踪安全管理。Brand merchandise tracking, tracing security management.

多音电缆故障隔离追踪和支持。Multi-tone support for cable tracing and fault isolation.

指定启始追踪讯息的追踪来源。Specifies a trace source that initiates tracing messages.

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主机没有有效路径。这可能是路由器配置的问题,或者是192.168.10。Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops.

移开复描纸,就可以看到与原图一模一样的复版。Remove tracing paper to find exact copy of original draft.

然而,要追踪这些流离失所的人群极端困难。But, tracing these displaced groups is extremely difficult.