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我们如何忘却性别?How do we unlearn gender?

人们竟敢忘记古训的崇高?Of that sublimest lore which man had dared unlearn?

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他们学不到什么东西,因为他们不能或不愿抛弃既有的知识。They do not learn because they cannot or will not unlearn.

另一些人想忘掉只会增加他们问题的行为。Others want to unlearn behaviors that only add to their problems.

经过很长时间他才忘却了儿童时代所学到的知识。It took him a long time to unlearn what he learned in his childhood.

公司要学会怎样放弃,要勇于抛弃昨日的成就。Companies need to learn how to unlearn , to slough off yesterdays wisdom.

我将要继续扬弃我所学的,而不管经验怎么说。I continue to unlearn what I learned before experience insisted otherwise.

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你必须丢掉你的前任钢琴老师所教的一切坏习惯。You'll have to unlearn all the bad habits you learned with your last piano teacher.

但若我们开放自己,学而习之但也学会放下归零,这些戏码也可以转化为华丽的冒险。Yet, the drama can transform to adventure and beauty where there is openness to both learn and unlearn.

创立一个窗口,并且断定要有一个大的回收站,因为我们有许多东西要忘掉。Create a window, and make sure that it has a big recycle bin because we have a lot of things to unlearn.

他还需要专家帮助或参加正规愤怒管理班来帮助自己去掉这些习惯。He may also need professional help or a qualified anger management class to help him unlearn these behaviors.

但是我们无法在不知道真相本身的情况下做出这样的判断,吊诡的是,一旦你知晓了真相,你就再也无法甩掉它了。But we can't know this without knowing what the information is. But once you've learnt the information you can't unlearn it.

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这些错误信念对我们的情绪和未来的状况是有害的,除非我们做点什么来忘却这些信念。These false beliefs become detrimental to our spirits and future wellbeing , unless we do something to unlearn these beliefs.

当学生们不正确地练习一个技能时,纠正其错误更难,因为神经键,或学习通道,已经被“确定”。As students practice a skill incorrectly, it is more difficult to unlearn the errors because the synapses, or learning pathways, have been "set".

能很容易教小孩子静心,因为他们还没有被破坏。当你被破坏了,你就得费很大力气去掉这个陋习。Children can be taught meditation more easily because they are not yet spoiled. When you have been spoiled the hard work is to help you to unlearn.

我觉得基于类的OO是需要学习的,而大多数人都会发现基于原型的OO更加直观,前提是他们并没有被人灌输基于类的OO的所谓优点。I think class based OO have to be learned, and that most people will find prototype based OO more intuitive once they unlearn the class based OO mantra.

在许多情况下,假如某些原则不适用于该综合项目或与它无关的话,合约谈判人就必须“忘却”那些原则,尽管他或她曾经用得很顺心。In many instances, the contract negotiator must "unlearn" rules that have served him or her well, but are not functional or relevant in an integrated project.

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考试制度的真正问题在于,它教授了一些关于工作本身的错误知识,如果你想在商界中获得成功,你就必须很快忘却这些东西。The real problem with the exam system is that it teaches lessons about work itself that you need to unlearn pretty smartly if you want to get ahead in business.

在这个找回自我的过程中,她们学会了要活在当下、也学会了要抛弃成规,拿出时间去完善自己的缺陷,并且采取行动去追求这种改变。During this retreat, they learn to live in the present moment, to unlearn the rules, agree to time off to be perfect in their imperfections, and to take action so as to bring about change.

“爱尔兰种族直到今天依旧遭受着耻辱,由于这些蓄意歪曲的译作书籍,并且小心的颠倒了他们的真实历史”现在,是时候丢弃所有你们过去被教导的一切。"The Irish race has suffered humiliation even to this day, through the willful traduction and carefully directed perversion of their history. " It is time to unlearn what you have been taught.