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采用冷混合法制备宠物用复方酮康唑香波。Compound ketoconazole pet shampoo was preparationed by cold admixture.

改进P.O32.5R水泥早期强度提高混合材掺加量。Early Strength Improvement of P. O32.5R Cement By Adding More Admixture.

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通俗地说,主要有黄砂、水泥、稠化粉、粉煤灰和外加剂组成。It is made up of sand, cement, thickening powder, fly ash and admixture.

NVC自流平外加剂是制备自密实混凝土的优良外加剂。NVC admixture is an excellent material to make Self-Compacting Concrete.

分析了掺烧干气、石油焦对煤粉锅炉的影响,提出了相应的措施。The effect of admixture is being analyzed and relevant remedies proposed.

在这种混凝土中,只有充分搅拌,外加剂才能均匀分布。Only mixed fully, can the admixture be evenly distributed in the concrete.

然而,二氧化硅载体的掺加稍微降低了丙烯的选择性。Admixture of a SiO2 carrier, however, decreases the propene selectivity somewhat.

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搅拌时投料顺序为石→砂→水→水泥和掺合料→外加剂。Mixing feeding sequence for stone, sand, water, cement and admixture and additive.

对已进场外加剂性能有疑问时,须补做试验,确认合格后方可使用。To approach the admixture when in doubt, must to do testing, qualified before use.

它作为水泥混合材料可以改善水泥的安定性,并能降低水泥的成本。Used as cement admixture it can improve the soundness of cement and reduce the cost.

是专业生产各类型混凝土外加剂的高新技术企业。Is specialized in producing all types of concrete admixture of high-tech enterprises.

对硝酸铵及其混合物的热分解机理进行了总结。The thermal decomposition mechanism of ammonium nitrate and its admixture is reviewed.

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肉质脆嫩,盐渍良好,色泽鲜,不霉烂变质,无杂质。Crisp and tender, well-salted, bright in colour, no putrefaction , free from admixture.

结构物所用的水泥及外加剂宜采用同一厂家产品。The cement and admixture of the same manufacturer shall be used for the same structure.

再经软练胶砂强度试验,证明是理想的活性混合材料。Through plastic mortar strength test, it has been proved as the ideal active admixture.

铁粉、混合材经破碎系统输送皮带机送入辅助原料堆场。Iron powder and admixture will be fed onto auxiliary materials stockyard by belt conveyor.

经破碎系统输送皮带机送入辅助原料堆场。Iron powder and admixture will be fed onto auxiliary materials stockyard by belt conveyor.

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首先,通过外加剂对水泥砂浆性能的试验,总结了其影响规律。First of all, through the admixture of cement mortar of the trial, summed up the impact of.

有众多的防“盐害”措施,钢筋阻锈剂是发展快、有效、经济的方法之一。Rebar inhibitor admixture is among measures that is develop rapidly economic and efficient.

传、记辞章化是唐人传奇的基本文体特征。The admixture of ode and biography is the basic stylistic feature of Romance in Tang Dynasty.