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这个数字是正常成年人感染后住院率的4倍。That's four times the hospitalisation rate for healthy adults.

体检结果发现72名工人中有68名严重中毒,他们需要住院治疗。The tests found 68 out of 72 workers were so badly poisoned they required hospitalisation.

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他们亦较周边血干细胞捐者需要住院。They were also more likely to require hospitalisation than peripheral blood stem cell donors.

2007年12月2日一位24岁的儿子由于感染H5N1病毒死亡,这是他接受住院治疗的第5天。The 24-year-old son died of H5N1 infection on 2 December, the fifth day of his hospitalisation.

美国研究人员指出,夫妻一方生病、住院或去世,都会影响另一半的健康。The illness, hospitalisation and death of one partner can harm the well-being of the other, US researchers have said.

在如此大的增幅后,农村居民仍得对医疗费用的大部分自掏腰包。Even with such increases, rural residents still have to pay a large part of hospitalisation costs out of their own pockets.

你是在她住院期间和弥留之际唯一提及的人,你是她最关心的人”。You were the only name she mentioned in the entire duration of her hospitalisation and before she left. You are the only person she cared.

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本周在纽约的一项调查显示数十万纽约居民感染H1N1,但只有0.1%需要住院治疗。A poll in New York City this week suggested that hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers have had H1N1, but only 0.1 per cent needed hospitalisation.

我们此项研究的意图是为了识别那些增加曾经没有精神病住院治疗史的女性患上产后精神病风险的因素。Our intention in this study was to identify factors that increase the risk of postpartum psychosis in women without a history of psychiatric hospitalisation.

一个流血事件涉及拉纳卡保加利亚孪生兄弟导致了一个为期八天的还押和其他被刺伤住院的昨天。A BLOODY incident involving Bulgarian twin brothers in Larnaca led to an eight-day remand of one and the hospitalisation of the other for stab wounds yesterday.

严重者可引致化脓之伤口感染或严重肺炎,需要住院并用特别的抗生素治疗。And sometimes more serious effects such as purulent wound infections and severe pneumonia may occur requiring hospitalisation and special antibiotics for treatment.

严重者可引致化脓之伤口感染或严重肺炎,需要住院并用特别的抗生素治疗。And sometimes more serious effects such as purulent wound infections and severe pneumonia may occur, requiring hospitalisation and special antibiotics for treatment.

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这些属公营服务的门诊是市民因一般不适、慢性病或无须留院治疗的急性疾病就诊的地方。These clinics represent the first points of contact for people presenting with minor ailments, chronic diseases, or acute problems which usually do not require hospitalisation.

对于那些没有被医保和劳工保护覆盖的农民工来说,住院或者不上班去看病可能会让他们丢掉工作。"For migrant workers who are not covered by medical insurance and labour protection, hospitalisation and leaving work to visit doctors could lead to them losing their jobs," says Zhan.

但是他们也发现很难解释这个儿子的母亲和他的女朋友没有被传染的原因,这两个人在他住院期间也有充分未经保护措施的暴露接触。But they have found it difficult to explain why the son's mother and girlfriend — both of whom had substantial unprotected exposure to him during his hospitalisation — did not become infected.