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他有一个红色的霍顿旅行车。He has a red Hol den Commodore station wagon.

恐龙跑跑跑是我理想中的C64游戏。Dino Run is what I wish my Commodore 64 games were like.

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路线图上Delphi最后的版本名称为Commodore。The last named version of Delphi on the roadmap is Commodore.

空军准将向轰炸机机钻下达状行危险任务的各项指示。The Commodore briefed the bomber crew on their dangerous mission.

空军准将向轰炸机机组下达执行危险义务的各项指示。The Air Commodore briefed the bomber crew on their dangerous mission.

后来,1853年,海军准将佩里率领的四艘美国战舰来到日本,拒不离开。Then in 1853 came four American warships under Commodore Perry, and refused to be driven away.

罗伯特.斯托克顿将军率领海军已经入侵加利福尼亚,并在这一地区升起了美国的国旗。Commodore Robert Stockton had invaded California and had raised the American flag over the territory.

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1853年,马修·佩里代起草了前总统菲尔莫尔给日本官方的请求贸易关系的信。In 1853, Commodore Matthew Perry relayed to Japanese officials a letter from former President Fillmore , requesting trade relations.

他召开了一个记者招待会,宣布他已与凯悦集团就改造老肯蒙得饭店达到协议。He called a press conference to announce that he had made a deal with the Hyatt chain to go into a partnership to rebuild the old Commodore.

随着信号旗的降落,命令被执行了。第17护航舰队不复存在,唐宁被解职了。With a downward haul on the signal halyards , this order was executed, convoy PQ 17 ceased to exist, and Commodore Downing gave up his command.

它们经过了湖,飞向美港,好像怕我的灯光,它们的指挥官用规律化的节奏叫个不停。They passed over the pond toward Fair Haven, seemingly deterred from settling by my light, their commodore honking all the while with a regular beat.

考虑到英国政府和整个公共开支造成的影响,特别是国防中资金极其紧张的气氛,这是一个重大成就。Government and the consequent impact across public spending, especially defence, this is a significant achievement, said Air Commodore Graham Farnell, the U. K.

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澳元子公司没有放弃使准将在美国,但是,由于庞蒂克的消亡可能会允许霍顿下沉爪子变成一个更加成功的通用汽车品牌。The Aussie subsidiary is not giving up on bringing the Commodore Stateside , however, as Pontiac's demise may allow Holden to sink its claws into a more successful GM brand.

在美国海军准将伯理「造访」后,日本被迫签定了一系列不平等条约,包括给予西方列强特权,如同他们在中国一样。After the visit of Commodore Matthew Perry, the country was forced to sign a series of unequal treaties, which, as in China, gave Western nations special privileges in Japan.

埃德温和纽约游艇俱乐部第一准将的另一个兄弟约翰考克斯史蒂文斯一起加入了资助修建和帆船比赛的“美国集团。”Navy. With another brother, John Cox Stevens , who was the first commodore of the New York Yacht Club, Edwin joined in the syndicate that built and raced the yacht "America."

我还顺便研究了杰伊。古尔德、丹尼尔。朱、康们多尔。范德尔贝尔特以及从那时到现在的华尔街所有重要交易者的操作方法。I have incidentally examined the manipulations of Jay Gould Daniel Drew Commodore Vanderbilt and all the other important Wall Street manipulators from that time to the present day.

拜尼马拉马准将已解散前任议会,并对政府高层官员进行了整肃,很多人都因为一些莫须有的原因遭解雇或停职。Commodore Bainimarama has sacked all the previous parliamentarians and has purged top civil servants. Dismissals and suspensions have often taken place on the flimsiest of evidence.

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在马修·派瑞准将率领他的黑色舰队抵达日本1853,花了约16年的日本解决一个新的政治制度使它的新的政治和经济改革。After Commodore Matthew Perry led his black fleet arriving in Japan 1853, it took about 16 years for Japan settling for a new political regime to enable it's new political and economic reform.

这次国宴由第一夫人米歇尔亲自统筹,“华裔军师陈远美具体落实,白宫“第一厨”康莫福德掌勺。The state banquet in person by the first lady co-ordination, "Chinese military counselor Yuan-specific implementation of the United States, the White House" First Kitchen "commodore Ford chef.

穆罕默德,15,是来自切斯特山高,在那里他是一个学生,当白色的霍顿由他的朋友阿卜杜勒Zreika,15,驱动出场格尼路昨天下午3点刚过短距离。Mohamed, 15, was a short distance from Chester Hill High, where he was a student, when the white Holden Commodore driven by his friend Abdul Zreika, 15, came off Gurney Road just after 3pm yesterday.