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这只安哥拉兔需要剪毛了。This angora rabbit needs to be sheared.

安哥拉山羊也被用于表演节目。Angora goats are also used as show animals.

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错,安哥拉呢来自兔子,安哥拉山羊生产出的是马海毛。No, angora fiber comes from rabbits. Angora goats produce mohair.

一只成年的安哥拉山羊每年能产出7公斤之多的马海毛。An adult Angora can produce as much as 7 kilograms of hair each year.

同时又温顺如安哥拉小猫,我更喜欢这种猫。But at the same time as mild as an Angora cat, a species which I prefer.

他们村的人都是靠饲养安哥拉兔致富的。People of their village earned a big fortune from angora rabbit farming.

安哥拉山羊也作为观赏性动物,它们不需要特殊照料。Angora goats are also used as show animals.They require little special care.

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安哥拉山羊也是很受欢迎常炫耀的动物,他们需要些特别的照顾。Angora goats are also popular show animals. They require little special care.

安哥拉羊也用作观赏动物。它们不需要太多的特殊照料。Angora goats are also used as show animals. They require little special care.

开时米山羊绒取自开时米山羊,安哥拉纤维取自安哥拉山羊,或者野兔。Cashmere comes from cashmere goats and angora fiber comes from Angora -- rabbits.

纯种安哥鲁雪貂不能与长发雪貂或安哥鲁混血搞错。The full angora ferret should NOT be mistaken for long haired ferrets or angora mixes.

皖系粗毛兔是国内第一个粗毛型长毛兔新品系。Wan strain coarse wool Angora rabbit was the first coarse wool Angora rabbit in China.

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通过对四川应用安哥拉山羊改良本地山羊生产马海毛的经济效益分析。The authors evaluated the economic benefit from modifying local goat with angora goat in Sichuan.

根据相关结果,这也可能意味着纯正丹麦安哥鲁雪貂在美国的终结。Depending on the outcome, this could also mean the end of the true Danish Angora ferret in the US.

克什米尔细毛山羊生产出开司米羊绒,安哥拉山羊生产出——你觉得我们会说是安哥拉呢?Cashmere goats produce cashmere and Angora goats produce -- did you think we were going to say angora?

DRDO高兴地把国防预算花在了研究新品种的安哥拉兔和“辣味药茶”上!It spends merrily from the defence budget on developing new strains of Angora rabbits and 'Namkeen Herbal Tea'!

在4个长毛兔场试用近两年证明此颗粒料具有推广价值。This pelletized feed tries out in 4 Angora rabbit farms for near two years, has proved it's popularizing value.

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羊驼毛、马海毛、安哥拉兔毛可纺性能较差,多用于开发粗纺产品。Alpaca, Mohair and Angora rabbit hair were mostly used in rough products because of their poor spinning property.

至于头发,娜塔莉买了四种颜色的安哥拉山羊毛,混合搭配出了像乔治小王子一样的金发。When it came to the hair, Natalie bought four different colours of Angora goat hair to getmimic Prince George's blonde tones.

本文采用形态学方法和组织形态学方法,分别对中卫山羊毛和安哥拉山羊毛进行分类及品质分析。Morphological and histomorpholgical methods were applied to classification and quality analysis of Zhongwei goat wool and Angora wool, respectively.