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丹尼星球。Planet Denny's.

赛德娜是行星吗?Is Sedna a planet?

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这是行星Here's your planet.

这是我们的地球。This is our planet.

冥王星该不该是颗行星?Should Pluto be a planet?

彗星样的行星会消失吗?Comet-Like Planet to Disappear?

海王星是多风暴的星球。Neptune is the stormiest planet.

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来自东方星球的9号计划!!!Plan 9 from Planet Oriental! ! !

地球是扁圆形的固体。Planet Earth is an oblate solid.

紧急呼救,开始吃素,加入环保,拯救地球!Be Veg. Go Green. Save the planet.

地阿,不快乐星球出生到死亡。EARTH, unhappy planet born to die.

刨工制造了一架行星飞机。The planer made a planet airplane.

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我坠落在一个奇怪的星球。I crash-landed on a strange planet.

我认为外星人住在五号行星上。I think aliens live on Planet NO.5.

楚格星系的第三颗行星。The third planet in the Zug system.

或者地球本身将稳定下来?Or will the planet itself stabilise?

行星“拉古奥尔”上究竟发生了什么?What happened on the planet "Ragol"?

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这个特别的行星发生了什么?So what happened to the extra planet?

我们这颗行星的未来生死未卜。The future of our planet is at stake.

庆祝我们这个星球的美丽。celebrating the beauty of the planet.