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根状茎粗度反映了根状茎的成熟程度。Thickness reflects the mature degree of rhizome.

白茅根能清热利尿。Cogongrass Rhizome clears heat and induces diuresis.

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一年生草本,没有一根状茎。Herbs perennial, usually with a conspicuous rhizome.

⊙、努力向上的开拓,才使弯曲的竹鞭化作了笔直的毛竹。Strive to open up, to bend into straight bamboo rhizome.

恢复区的镶嵌群落以根茎植物为主。But in the inlaid community there was more rhizome plants.

同时也会加一些干地黄和其他的草药。Dried rhizome of rehmannia and other herbs are also added.

竹鞭生长方向以顺坡向下的最多。The main direction of the rhizome growth is down the hillside.

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我们所见到的是将会消逝的花簇,而根茎长驻。What we see is the blossom, which passes. The rhizome remains.

MUSAP是从玉竹的根和根茎中提取出来的产品。MUSAP is an extraction Polygonatum officinale root and rhizome.

气短体虚弱,煮粥加山药。Common yam rhizome porridge treats short breath and weak physique.

树是父子系谱,但是块茎是结盟,独特的结盟。The tree is filiation, but the rhizome is alliance, uniquely alliance.

这是一种每年发芽开花的多年生根茎。This is a perennating rhizome from which flowering shoots arise annually.

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根状茎顶端的原分生组织由3~5个鳞片包被。The primordial meristem at the tip of rhizome is surrounded by 3-5 lepises.

鹿蹄草根状茎、叶器官的形态解剖学研究。Studies on morpha and microstructure in rhizome and leaf of Pyrola calliantha H.

目的比较研究不同产地怀山药的质量。Objective To compare the quality of Rhizome Dioscorea in different producing areas.

合适的采挖期仍以地上缠绕茎枯萎期为宜。The right time to collect rhizome should be at the stage of twining stem withering.

野大麦属短根茎丛生型禾草,是典型的无性系植物。Hordeum brevisubulatum is a typical clonal plant of grass family with short rhizome.

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根茎短,粗状,圆柱形,被多数覆瓦状排列的鳞片状的叶。The rhizome is short, thick shape, cylinder, by most imbricate arrangement scaled leaf.

结论所研制的复方黄连膏与制备工艺具有临床推广应用价值。Conclusion Unguentum Rhizome coptidis prepared in the paper could be widely used in clinic.

无性系潜在种群由冬性苗和根茎芽所组成。The potential clonal populations consist of winterness seedlings of tiller and rhizome buds.