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他还试图催眠。He also tried hypnosis.

他用催眠术作为治疗的一部分。He uses hypnosis as part of the treatment.

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打开音乐键,播放小乌龟里的催眠音乐。Push music key , play hypnosis music in turtle.

被催眠的病人都进入昏睡状态。Patients under hypnosis pass into a trancelike state.

这是否意味着自我催眠是一种胡说呢?Does that mean self hypnosis is a load of hocus pocus?

被催眠的病人逐渐进入昏睡状态。Patients under hypnosis pass into a trance-like state.

催眠跟催眠师的催眠技巧关系不大。Hypnosis has little to do with the hypnotist's technique.

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以下是一段催眠的技巧可以被用来帮助自我医治。This is the hypnosis technique which can help self-healing.

有些催眠专家认为一切催眠都是自我催眠。Some hypnotism experts hold that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

如果你愿意,你可以进行更深层次的自我催眠。You can also take this self hypnosis a little further if you wish.

起初,她担心医生会给她开药甚至为她催眠。She worried she'd be prescribed medicine, or be put under hypnosis.

一些专家相信,催眠能激发出被长期埋藏的关联记忆。Some experts believe hypnosis can trigger long-buried associations.

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有些人特别脆弱,容易进入催眠状态。Some people are particularly vulnerable and susceptible to hypnosis.

在这篇文章里我要描述我的自我催眠经验。In this article I am going to describe my experiences with such hypnosis.

贝文现在是个成年人了,她在催眠状态下重温了自己的出生过程。Bevin is now an adult and has relived her birth experience under hypnosis.

在某些状况下,催眠可以提高心理疗法的效果。Hypnosis can boost the effectiveness of psychotherapy for some conditions.

神父替惠琳催眠时,突然腹痛,催眠被停住。The priest for HuiLin hypnosis, suddenly abdominal pain, hypnosis was stopped.

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要学,就要向世界第一催眠大师“马修·维史”学。Want to learn , just learn from the Hypnosis Master in the world---Marsh weis.

引导法的大餐,真是对催眠专业的大贡献!A Smorgasbord of Inductions is a great contribution to the hypnosis profession!

不足之处是,催眠术对某些人不起作用。The downside is that some people do not respond as strongly to hypnosis as others.