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我想那就是撒丁岛吧。I thought it was Sardinia.

他居住在撒丁岛和世界上许多其他地方。He lives in Sardinia and many places in the world.

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其队友贾里马蒂·拉特瓦拉也在撒丁岛飞翔了。Team-mate Jari-Matti Latvala also flew in Sardinia.

五个人登上了从撒丁岛到伦敦的班机。The five men boarded the flight from Sardinia to London.

我这样的草民怎会有机会知道撒丁岛顶级酒店的盛况?How does a pleb like me know about the best hotel on Sardinia?

他将会参观四个城市,包括撒丁岛的卡利亚里。He will be visiting four cities including Cagliari in Sardinia.

撒丁与科西嘉位于意大利靴形半岛之侧面。Sardinia and Corsica lie on the flank of the long Italian boot.

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世界上很多最长寿的老人都出自撒丁岛。The island of Sardinia is home to some of the world's oldest people.

这是我在撒丁岛附近的沉船残骸处潜水时所见的景象。This sighting occurred during my dive to a sunken wreck off Sardinia.

撒丁岛退赛的布吕尼尔森也在扮演者追赶者的角色。Brynildsen is also playing catch up following his retirement in Sardinia.

他们的节目反映了撒丁岛的宗教传统以及社会、政治风情。They give expressions typical of religious and social-political traditions in Sardinia.

靠近本国的其他岛屿,比如撒丁岛和科西嘉岛是诱人的入侵目标。Close to home, other islands like Sardinia and Corsica make tempting targets for invasion.

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我的第一个敏捷研讨会,XP2001,是在Sardinia与好几百参与者一起召开的。My first agile conference, XP2001, was held in Sardinia with a couple of hundred attendants.

撒丁岛是意大利的一个自治区,这里居住着很多百岁老人。Sardinia is an autonomous region of Italy that's home to a large population of centenarians.

撒丁岛也是意大利重要的葡萄酒产区之一,今天就让我们来邂逅这座小岛吧!Today, I will guide you to Sardinia to find out why Sardinia can produce high-quality wines.

意大利位于欧洲南部,包括亚平宁半岛、西西里岛、撒丁岛等岛屿。Italy in southern Europe, including the Apennine peninsula, Sicily, Sardinia and other islands.

它能让你避免一些麻烦,至少增加了你在撒丁岛搭车的机会。It just keep you out of trouble, or at least improve your chances of thumbing a lift in Sardinia.

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一对德国组合冒险行东飞路线,仅飞行465英里后到达撒丁岛。German team gambled on an easterly route but only managed 465 miles before setting down in Sardinia.

由于和勒布之间存在43分的差距,索伯格的首要任务就是要在撒丁岛拿下积分。With a gap of 43 points to Loeb, it's imperative for Solberg that he lands a healthy score in Sardinia.

但是尽管卡利亚里希望能够把福贾留在撒丁岛,但是看上去他更可能重回罗马城。But despite Cagliari's desire to keep Foggia in Sardinia , he looks likely to return to the Eternal City.